Chapter : 5

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*So Hyun’s POV*

There were about 5 zombies and we both just had crowbars, a few bombs, frying pans and baseball bat’s. The first zombie came towards Jane and we knocked it out together. Another zombie came towards Jane, as I was about to help her another came so I fought it.

We both were fighting these creatures, when suddenly I saw a red spark high in the sky. It was a road flare. There must be some survivors in the area where the flare was ignited. Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked at the creepy face of the zombie that was attacking me and punched it hard in the face. It landed on the floor and started moving in an abnormal way.

Disgusted from the zombie I saw Jane having a hard time keeping up with the inhumane creature and went to help her. It seemed like the last one.

I moved Jane from the zombie and kicked it in the stomach, it stumbled back and started running towards me. I took out my smoke bomb and threw it in front of the zombie. Jane and I both wore our masks and slowly got out of the alley.

When we were far from that place we rook off our masks and rested. We were very far from home. “Jane, I saw a road flare”, I told Jane.
“A flare? Where? Are there survivors?”, she asked. “Yeah, they might be scouting for people right now. The flare was close to our house. We’re far away now. We should head home before it get’s dangerous”, I said.

“Right now? I’m tired, we’ve been fighting those things non stop”, Jane sighed. “Well do you plan on camping here and get eaten?”, I asked her. She gulped.

“Fine, but you’ll have to give a day off for tomorrow”, she insisted. “Alright, alright, deal”, I said and she smiled.

We started heading home. On our way, no one talked as we were tired and had no energy to do anything other than walking. Low screeches in the distance were heard from time to time.

We had been walking for an hour now and were close to our house. I spotted something in the street and picked it up, removed the dust and my eyes widened.

“Jane this is the flare that I saw”, I turned to her. “That means, the people who fired it must have been here”, Jane said and I nodded.
I looked around to find anyone other than an abnormal freak, but unfortunately no one was here.

No sign of survivors.

We went in our house and both sighed in relief. “Finally, my feet hurt like hell”, Jane groaned and laid on the couch. “Me too”, I said and joined her.

*4 hours ago*
*Unknown POV*

We were walking for about 3 hours now, searching for any sign of life other than those hideous beasts. A few screeches were heard on our way. We found just 4 survivors. 3 injured with brusies and 1 looking quite fine. Gladly no one was infected which meant we could bring them along.

While walking around we came across a very decent looking house. It seemed like an apartment.

Strange. All the houses we had seen were either covered with the virus or some windows would be cracked, doors would be broken or the entire building would be collapsed. But this house seemed to be in good condition.

As I started approaching the house, I heard a few noises from my left. Once I looked over to where the sound was coming from, a building could be seen infront of me. The sounds seemed to be coming from the opposite side of the building.

They sounded like of those zombies, but some of these sounds seemed different. It seemed as if THEY were being attacked.

“Come on!”, a voice said, which sounded like a girl? “Over here stink face!”, another voice said, which also sounded like a girl? “I’m coming!”, the first girl yelled.

Those sounds were of 2 girls. Could they probably be fighting the zombies?

I decided to light a flare, to maybe gain the attention of those girls. The flare was lighted and it fired.

I hope those girls are OK. They could be some survivors.

I decided to check on them, as soon as I stepped foot, my walkie talkie spoke. “Jason, do you read me? Over”, the voice said.

“Yes, I read you Jake, over”, I answered. “Oh, good you’re safe. Then… WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TAKING SO LONG?!”, he screamed through the walkie talkie.

“Bro, calm down. Do you want your crew to get eaten?”, I whisper yelled. “Oops, sorry, my bad”, he apologized, sarcastically.

“Hey, I hear 2 girls, probably fighting some zombies, I’m heading over”, I said. “Negative, come back to base now. It’s late, you should be heading back by now”, he ordered.

“But, those girls could get infected”, I worried. “Not the time now, you can go tomorrow. Right now get back to base, it’s not safe.”, he emphasized the last words before going offline.

I sighed and held my temples, thinking of what I should do.

Should I save them right now? Then what about these survivors who we just saved? Or should I come back tomorrow? Will they be okay? Will I find them there? And what is with this house?

I sighed once more before turning my heel and ordering the guys to head back.

*So Hyun’s POV*

We were on bed, ready to sleep. Both of us were freshed and tired. We had a day off tomorrow, so I told Jane to sleep for as long as she wants.

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