Chapter : 14

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*Mark’s POV*

There were a total of 10 cubicles in the bathroom. “Can you lock the door?”, Jessica asked. Wayne looked for a key, but didn’t find it. “No key”, he said. “Wow, just great! Now how are we supposed to protect ourselves from those beasts”, Max released a frustrated sigh. “I’m sure they won’t find-”, Jessica was interrupted by the sound of screeches.

“Hide”, I ordered the guys. “Hide? Hide where? There’s no where to hide here!”, Wayne whisper yelled. Max smacked Wayne’s head and pointed towards a cubicle. “No way. Nuh uh, I’m not hiding in one of those-”, Wayne’s complaints were cut by another smack on his head.

“Will you stop that!”, Wayne yelled a bit loudly this time. We heard a screech just outside the washroom door. “Hide unless you wanna be eaten”, Jessica said and we hid in the cubicles. I stood on the toilet to take a look at the zombies.

Speak of the devil.

A zombie came in the washroom followed by another and another and… Never mind. I got off the toilet and looked for the lock in the door of the cubicle, but it was broken. “Shit”, I whispered to myself. I stood on the toilet again and saw a zombie opening the last cubicles door.

How did they learn to do that?!

The zombie moved ahead and opened the door of the cubicle beside the last one. It moved along and opened the 8th door, then the 7th, then the 6th. I whispered to the guys and asked, “Can you lock your doors?”, Jessica shook her head. Wayne nodded indicating that he can lock it.

Max also nodded. Just me and Jessica were the ones with broken locks. The zombie was now at the 5th door. Wayne was in the 4th door, so there was no need to worry, but Jessica was in the 3rd door. The zombie tried to open the 4th door, but failed. It moved ahead and came towards Jessica’s door.

What should I do?

The zombie opened the door and found Jessica. Jessica was standing on the toilet, but slipped her foot and flushed the toilet. The sound attracted the zombies in the washroom and they turned to her door. As the zombies were about to pounce on her the entrance door of the washroom opened with a loud bang.

I looked towards the person who opened it and my eyes widened. “Casey, no!”, I yelled, but it was too late, he drove the zombies out of the washroom. I stood there completely frozen, the guys came out of their cubicles and snapped me out of my trance.

We ran out of the washroom to save Casey. Once we got out we saw the zombies chasing him, he was leading them towards the abandoned hospital. “Casey!”, I called out to him. “Is he mad?!”, Wayne yelled. “Casey! Come here!”, Jessica cried.

Casey didn’t hear us and kept running, I noticed he had rocks in his hands. “Just what is he up to?”, I said to myself. As soon as Casey stopped in front of the hospital building, we hid behind another building and watched his actions carefully.

Casey moved his fists, full of rocks, in random directions and stunned the zombies. He then threw one rock at the building. A zombie ran upon hearing the sound and a few more followed it. He threw another rock and a few more zombies parted.

After finishing all his rocks, the coast was clear and the zombies were now in the hospital. We came out of our hiding and I ran towards Casey. “Don’t ever do that again!”, I scolded the fifteen year old kid and hugged him tight. “OK ok, grandpa. Let me go now. This is embarrassing!”, he said while trying to get out of my embrace.

“Why is hugging my baby bro in front of people embarrassing?”, I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Stop calling me a baby! Plus it’s embarrassing cause you get all the eyes on you and the attention, it’s just…”, he shaked his whole body and I laughed. “But seriously, don’t even do that again”, I gave him a serious stare and he nodded.

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