Chapter : 21

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*Mark’s POV*

“You should have stayed at the base, you know. Your arm isn’t healed yet”, Jessica insisted. “Yeah, well…”, I shrugged and earned a smack on my head. “Don’t shrug it off like that! Seeing you hurt makes my heart ache”, she said and crossed her arms.

“Why are you so adorable when your angry?”, I said and hugged her from behind by wrapping my arms around her shoulder. “Whatever”, she rolled her eyes and I chuckled. Just as we were walking my walkie talkie spoke. “Mark come in, over”, the voice that belonged to Jason said.

I unwrapped my arms from around Jessica and answered the call. “Yeah, I’m here”. “How’s it going?”, Jason asked. “So far, we found nothing. Any luck?”, I asked. “Not much, just found some zombies”, he answered. “Hey, guys!”, a new voice said which sounded like Wayne. “Hey, did you guys find something?”, Jessica asked.

“Nope, but we’re kinda lost”, he said and Max’s voice was heard next. “Yeah, it’s all thanks to him that we’re lost AND we also found a creepy looking dude, who asked us to come with him and his crew”, he explained. “A creepy man with a crew you said?”, another voice said which sounded like Jane.

“Yeah!”, Max and Wayne answered together. “We found that guy too. Jake and him talked for a while”, Jane answered. “We’ll talk about this once we get to base”, Jason said and we all went offline. “I guess, we should get back now”, I said and Jessica nodded.

*So Hyun’s POV*

After Jason had told everyone to meet at the base, he seemed serious. I didn’t want to cheer him up or lighten the mood, so I let him be. We walked back to the base and met with everyone, one by one. “Heyyyy”, Jane waved at everyone.

“Who’s this?”, Jason asked while pointing at an unknown man with jet black hair, ripped jeans and shirt. “Oh, this is Ben. Ben these are all my friends”, Jane introduced the unknown guy and we all shook hands with him. “How long have you been here?”, I asked.

“He said he doesn’t-”, Jane was cut by Ben. “2 years”. Jane opened her eyes wide and looked at the black haired guy, she then narrowed her eyes at him and spoke. “You said you didn’t know”. “Did I? I must have forgotten”, he said. “What?! You lied, so that I would stop asking you questions?”, Jane yelled in disbelief.

“Maybe”, Ben shrugged. “Wow, I can’t believe this”, Jane crossed her arms and pouted before diverting her gaze at me and Jason. “What happened to you two?”, Jane asked while pointing at our wet clothes.

“Uh, long story”, I told. “Oooh~ Jason has become a grown man~ You two could have just stayed at the base you know”, Jake teased with a smirk smeared on his face. “Hey! It’s not like that, So Hyun was-”, Jason was cut by Jake who put his right index finger on Jason’s lips and wrapped his left arm around Jason’s shoulder before speaking.

“Shh. It’s okay, bud. Sometimes it’s a need”, Jake said and the others laughed out loud. “Open the gates!”, the guards signaled each other, bringing us back to the present and the gates opened. We went in and Jake spoke.

“Let’s discuss the serious matter later and party for now?”. “Count me in!”, Wayne yelled. “Me too!”, Max said. “A little party won’t hurt anyone”, Mark said. “I’m in”, Jessica said. “Me! Me! Me!”, Jane jumped in excitement. “Okay I guess”, I said. Now everyone turned to Jason and eagerly waited for his reply.

“Alright, let’s party”, Jason said and we cheered. It was night time and the hall was bustling with cheers and laughs. The tables were put aside so that everyone could dance easily. To our surprise there even was a DJ who played some really loud music, making you want to dance to the beat.

I was glad that the base was secured, otherwise the sound of the music was loud enough for the zombies to hear. Our friends were having a great time, Mark and Jessica danced together on the dance floor while Max and Wayne argued in the corner.

Jane and I were sitting near the tables with a glass of alcohol in our hands. Jason and Jake were sitting with us as well as the new guy, Ben. “So, did you live alone?”, Jake asked Ben. “Yeah”, he answered. “Did you meet with anyone while you were out there?”, Jason asked.

“Nope. I just saw the guy, uhh… Brown Boobs, was it? And his crew today”, Ben said and Jane laughed and choked on her alcohol. “It’s Bruce Browns”, Jake said while holding in his laughter. “Ah, right”, Ben said in a casual manner. “How can you say that so casually?”, I said with laughter in my words and stroked Jane’s back who was laughing in tears.

“Well it’s-”, Ben was about to answer my question, but was cut by Jason. “It was a rhetorical question, man”. “Ah”, Ben said. “Your too straightforward”, Jake chuckled and looked at Ben. Ben looked at Jane and immediately diverted his gaze on the dance floor.

“Hey, your cheeks are red”, Jake giggled. “How do you know? It’s dark around here. It’s probably the red lights”, Ben said while looking around. “I can see what people can’t see”, Jake said. “Yeah, he’s a weird one alright”, Jason told.

“Well…”, Jake said while putting his empty glass on the table before getting up. “I’ll check some stuff and be back, you guys enjoy”, Jake said before leaving us. “What does he mean by stuff?”, I asked Jason who shrugged. “Don’t know”.

“Right! Start talking So Hyun!”, Jane yelled. “What?”, I asked. “What did you and Jason do while we were out scouting?”, Jane said while raising her brows. “Ah, that…”, I trailed off while scratching my neck and looked towards Jason who immediately shook his head indicating that he won’t tell the story.

“What’s up with you two? Can’t you simply tell you had a good time?”, Ben spoke. Me and Jason looked at him in shock. “I already told everyone. It wasn’t like that”, Jason insisted. “It’s okay to be shy”, Ben said while crossing his arms.

“Wow, unbelievable. I didn’t think you were like them too”, I said to Ben in disbelief. “What’s with the hold up?! Tell me already and gimme them details”, Jane said while drinking her glass of alcohol in one shot before turning her attention towards me. “I’ll go get Jake”, Jason said while standing up from his seat.

“So Hyunnnnnn~ tell meeehhh~”, Jane shook my body vigorously. “Alright alright… Stop shaking meeee!”, I yelled and Jane scooted closer towards me. I cleared my throat before beginning to tell what happened. “So what happened was…”.

*Jason’s POV*

I walked to Jake’s room and upon arriving at the slightly opened door I heard an unknown voice say, “Be there on time”, to which Jake replied, “Yeah I’ll meet you soon”. After hearing the conversation I knocked at the door and he got up from his chair with a slightly surprised expression.
Heeyyyyy, Hunter's!

How are youuuuu all? I hope your all fine. I present to you the chapter which you waited for once again.

Enjoy! 💜

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