Chapter : 23

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*So Hyun’s POV*

What was that about? Is he drunk? He looks fine though… Is he sick? What’s wrong with his eyes? Did he cry? He’s sweating too. Wow he looks hot with all that sweat. WHAT THE HECK? I DID NOT JUST THINK THAT!

“Uh, Jason. Where are we going?”, I asked. We have been walking like this for a while now with Jason dragging me behind him. Jason didn’t reply to my question and kept walking until we reached the girls bathroom.

The girls bathroom? What’s wrong with him? Is he really drunk?!

He turned the knob of the bathrooms entrance before pulling me in and closed the door behind him. He looked around the bathroom and checked the cubicles, not leaving my arm. I decided to ask again.

“OK, this is getting weird. What’s wrong Jason? And why are we in the girls bathroom?”, I said while removing his grip on my arm and faced him. He sighed before speaking. “So Hyun. I… I’m sorry for what happened back there, about claiming you as mine-”, I cut him midsentence.

“What are you sorry about? Isn’t it obvious by now…?”, I said while fiddling with my fingers and looked on the ground. “Wait… You… Like me?”, he asked with his eyes wide open. This is the first time in my entire life that I had confessed to someone. I had no idea how to say it so I just nodded.

I looked at Jason to see his reaction and his mouth was wide open before slowing turning into a smile. “I’m sooo happy! I… I don’t know what to say. So Hyun I… Like you too”, he said shyly with a tint of red color visible on his cheeks. I chuckled before speaking.

“OK, serious question. What’s going on? Did you want to confess to me in the bathroom?”, I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Uh, no that’s not it. I was not thinking of confessing today actually, I had plans…”, he said while playing with his fingers. “But, So Hyun… I want to tell you something”, he finished and looked serious.

“OK, go ahead”, I gestured him to continue. He pulled me towards the last cubicle and spoke. “You’re the first one to know about this OK?”, he said and I nodded. “So the thing is, Jake-”, as he was about to explain a bunch of girls came in the bathroom.

I panicked and didn’t know what to do, but Jason seemed to have prepared for the inevitable. He pulled me in the cubicle along with him, due to the sudden action I tried to stand straight, but failed miserably. I slipped and sat on the toilet, thank God the seat cover was closed.

While trying to grip onto something, my right hand made its way to Jason’s collar and my left hand was on the wall. Jason’s right and left hand were against the wall behind me, so I was basically pinned in between his arms. We didn’t have time to lock the door, so Jason held the door shut with his left leg.

His face was near mine once again, his breath tickled my nose and my cheeks felt hot. I’m sure I’m a whole ass tomato by now. Jason’s cheeks had a slight pink shade as well. The sounds we heard were of three girls.

“I can’t believe she looked at Steve like that! And how could he stare back at her with that look! The look which is for only me!”, the voice said which sounded like Judy. She seemed drunk by her voice and I’m guessing her companions were trying to console her.

*Jason’s POV*

“It’s OK, Judy. Let it all out”, a voice said which sounded very familiar.

Wait a minute… That sounds like… Eunji?!

“Yeah, don’t worry about him, he’s a bad boyfriend”, another voice said.

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