Chapter : 22

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*Jason’s POV*

Once he realized it was me he relaxed a bit. “How long have you been standing there?”, Jake asked. “Just heard ‘I’ll meet you soon’ ”, I said casually and sat on the sofa nearby. “Ah”.

He seems… Relieved?

“Wanna drink?”, Jake offered. “Nah… Maybe just one glass”, I said and he poured the drinks for both of us and passed me mine. “Where you going, bud?”, I asked. “Yeah…”, Jake sighed before continuing. “The people in the city called and, uhh… Asked to bring up all the survivors, so we’ll be leaving soon”. Jake answered.

“What?! We haven’t fully searched the city yet”, I implored. “Jason there are no survivors left”, Jake said with a sigh while closing his eyes in a frustrated manner. “You don’t know that”, I said sternly. “You have been searching for a while now, did you find any?”, Jake asked with a raised eyebrow. “No, but Jane and you found one today. That means they’re still left-”, Jake cut me midsentence.

“No, it means they all have been turned. There’s no point in searching any further”, Jake answered. “But what if there are people left?”, I asked. “Let them stay then, we can’t do anything about it”, Jake said and took a sip of his alcohol. “How can you say that so calmly? You promised you’ll help me find all the survivors. You said you won’t stop until you find every last one of them”, I stated.

“Things have changed now, Jason. You see how they’ve evolved…”, Jake said while pointing his glass of alcohol towards the window. “We have no chance against them”, he finished before taking another sip. “We can do this if we stay together”, I said. “Jason wake up, man. This isn’t the same God damn world! Things have changed, so we should change too if we are to survive”, Jake said with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

“I can’t do this”, I said while looking at my glass of alcohol, just sitting there on the table, helpless like me. “What?”, Jake asked. “I can’t let you do this, Jake. What’s gotten into you?”. “This is me Jason, this is how I am”, Jake said.

“Who was that on the radio just now? That wasn’t the city people”, I said and Jake stood up from his seat before walking towards the radio. “Your right it wasn’t them... They’re called the suppliers. They extract the DNA of those creatures and make a cure for infected people”, Jake explained. “That’s good then”.

“So, they have asked me to send some test subjects…”, Jake said while picking up a knife from the table. My eyes widened from what I just heard, I couldn’t believe it.

“Don’t tell me…”, I trailed off. “Yup. Those people we have been saving for 8 years now. They went to the lab and got tested. So far we didn’t find a cure, strong enough to bring them fully back to normal”, Jake told.

“Your telling me that your guys have been finding a cure for 8 years now and have yet gotten nothing?!”, I yelled in shock. “I wouldn’t say nothing, bro. We made progress”, he said while waving his hand like it wasn’t a big deal. “What happened to those people who got tested”, I asked.

“What else? They turned into what the guys saw out today. A fire breathing zombie. A zombie with a light on its stomach. A zombie taller than those we had seen before”, Jake answered.

“You murderer!”, I yelled and got up from the sofa. “You killed those innocent people for money!”, I said while walking closer to Jake. “It’s called business Jason, a little something you wouldn’t understand”, Jake said while seating himself back in his spinning chair and played with the knife in his hands.

“Oh, I understand. I understand just fine. You’re not a human. Your even worse than those creatures”, I said. “Jason bro, join me in this. We can rule the world together. We can have all that we ever wanted”, he said with his arms wide open and smiled like a physco.

I backed away and spoke. “This isn’t what I wanted. This is what you want. I’m out of this”, I said while turning my heel to head out of the room, my back facing his front.

“You know? They said the army will send a nuclear bomb in the city on the day of the ships arrival. You can still get out alive. Come with me”, Jake stood up from his chair and lent his hand out for me to grab.

I tilted my head to see his face one last time. “I’d rather die than become a monster like you”, I finished and was about to walk out of the room, but was stopped in my steps when Jake spoke. “Jason, when you step out of this room, there’s no turning back. I have ears everywhere, so don’t think of doing anything that’ll piss me off”, Jake finished.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m not joining you any soon”, I stormed out of the room and leaned my back against the wall.

What the hell has gotten into Jake? What happened to him? Why is he doing this? Jake…

Tears formed in my eyes as I started recalling my previous memories of Jake before he had gone mad. I have got to tell So Hyun about this. I ran to the hall and searched for So Hyun.

*Brian’s POV*

“Hey, man. Since when did you get interested in scouting?”, my friend, John asked. “Bro, remember when I told you guys that I would not date until I find a girl who doesn’t get hypnotized by me?”, I told and the guys nodded.

“Yeah, you would go on and on about how you want your ideal type to be and-”, I cut my friend, Stuart by smacking his head. “Good that you got my point, there’s no need to bug me”, I said and Stuart held his head with a pout formed on his lips.

“So, who’s she?”, John asked while nudging his elbow. “Her name is So Hyun. She is the most beautiful person in the world. And I devote my life to her”, I said and the guys wowed. “Bro, your serious?”, Stuart asked and I nodded. “I’ll go ask her out now. How do I look?”, I asked while adjusting my shirt and put a few strands of hair back. “Awful as usual”, they both said in choir.

I just ignored their remark and went towards So Hyun. “Hey, So Hyun. You remember me?”, I asked with a smile. “Oh, it’s you. What’s for todays lesson, Sir Hypnotic Brian”, she rolled her eyes at me.

She’s even hot when she’s annoyed!

“Well, I just wanted to ask…”

*Jason’s POV*

After searching for a while I saw So Hyun talking to Brian.

What’s his problem?

With heavy steps I made my way towards them. “Will you be my girlfriend?”, Brian asked So Hyun.

What the hell?! Oh no. Not on my watch Mr. Stupid Brain.

“Hey! She’s already taken”, I said while grabbing So Hyun’s arm. “She is?”, Brian asked in disbelief. “I am?”, So Hyun asked with confused eyes. “Yeah, she is. By me. Stay away from her”, I glared at Brian and he raised his hands in defeat before backing away and disappearing in the crowd.
Heyy, Hunter's!

Now don't come at me in the comments asking why I made Jake bad. Before writing my story I had already planned this out, that one close friend will be the bad guy, so pwease don't be mad at me. 🥺


I wanted to tell you from this chapter that, "Always think carefully about the person in front of you before making them your friend" . You never know when they'll ditch you. 💜

Anyways, thank you so much for your support and votes!

Enjoy! 💜

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