Chapter : 15

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*Jason’s POV*

Once again we were back on our track. We walked for a lot of hours, I dumped my watch back at the building because I thought it was pretty useless. We had passed through many abandoned buildings, hospitals, clinics, malls and parks.

It’s a good thing we didn’t encounter any zombie along the way. The crew is already tired and worn out from the previous fights and some of us are injured. The guys have asked me ‘are we there yet’ 10 times already, and each time my answer is ‘almost there’.

“Jason, we’ve been walking non stop, please tell me we’re here already”, Jane groaned and the others agreed. “I know this is new to you guys, but just a little further and we’re there”, I said while pointing ahead. “How much further bro? I mean we stay there, we’ve seen the place, but this is taking too long”, Wayne whined.

“Just around this corner and…”, I trailed off and bingo, a familiar gate was seen in front of me. “See? What did I tell ya”, I grinned and walked ahead. The guys followed me from behind and we stood in front of a large gate with metal bars, just like in jails. Two guard towers stood on either side of the gate, with a guy in each one, keeping look out.

“Whoa”, Jane said with her mouth open. “Is this it?”, Jane asked. “You don’t seem surprised”, I said. “No I mean, I thought it would be a bit grand cause you’ve talked a lot about it, so I assumed it would be a less jaily type, you know?”, Jane said, not amused by the gate.

“Jane, you know, there’s a saying: ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’”, So Hyun said while putting her hand around Jane's shoulder. “Hey, is that Jason I see?”, one of the guards yelled. “Blimey, it is Jason! Open the gates!”, the other guard said to the previous guard and both of them started turning a wheel in their towers.

*So Hyun’s POV*

As the gates slowly opened, a figure stood at the other side of the building, I couldn’t quite figure out who it was. The gate was blocking the light from reaching the person and so they looked like a shadow. The person walked in front, once they stood in the light, he could be seen clearly.

The man was just as muscular as Jason. He was wearing a tight shirt with his chest visible, his hair was dark brown in color and as for his arms and legs, they were quite big. I looked over at Jane who was drooling over the guy, like literally, drooling.

“Jane wipe off your drool”, I nudged my elbow before she snapped out of her trance and wiped it with her sleeve. “Bro! What’s up?”, the unknown man said while fist bumping Jason before hugging him. “I’m good. How have you been? Was everything going well while I was gone?”, Jason asked.

“Everything’s going smooth as butter, bro…”, he stopped mid sentence and looked at the crew. “Man, what happened to your arm?”, he asked Mark with a shocked expression. “Ah, it’s cool. Just a little wound”, Mark said casually as if he’s experienced more than that.

Jessica smacked Mark’s head and spoke. “That ‘just a little wound’ can be dangerous, we need to check on it”, Jessica mimicked Mark’s voice before dragging him inside. “Great to see you too Jessica!”, the man said while waving at her disappearing figure.

Casey followed them behind before giving a fist bump to the man. The guy ruffled his hair and turned to Max and Wayne. “How have you guys been?”, he asked the duo. “Well, you know same old. But one things for sure I will not be going for the next hunt. I gotta relax, bring my cool back”, Wayne said making Max smack his head once again.

“You won’t stop will you? Come here!”, Max ran in with Wayne chasing behind. The man now turned to me, Jane and Eunji. “New survivors?”, the guy asked with an impressed look. “Yeah, we found them living in an apartment…”, Jason said while pointing at me and Jane. “While we found her at an abandoned hospital, she was injured”, he said while gesturing at Eunji’s wounded leg.

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