Chapter : 4

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*Jane’s POV*

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains. I sat up straight and stretched my arms. “Ah… I slept well”, I said
I looked around for So Hyun, but she was no where to be found.

Suddenly the thought of my nightmare made me shiver and I hurriedly got up from bed only to stumble and stub my toe. Once I regained my balance I ran to the kitchen and found her eating her breakfast.

“Your up… Good morning”, So Hyun said and continued eating. “G-good morning I guess”, I scratched my neck and sat down. “Did you sleep well?”, she asked. “Huh? Ah yeah… I slept well”, I answered.

“You were sleeping peacefully so I decided not to wake you up”, she said. “Oh, thanks”.

“Anyway, about the apartment we had to disinfect…”, she stopped waiting for my gesture to continue. And I nodded. “So I was thinking we should disinfect it after the hunt, what do you think?”, she asked.

“Yeah, seems fine to me”, I answered. “Alright then, get ready”, she said and I nodded before getting up to put my bowl in the sink. “Oh and wash the dishes, it’s your turn today”, she said from the weapons room.

I washed the dishes and made my way to the weapon room. I saw So Hyun ready and make her way to the entrance. It was my turn to get ready so, I put on my vest and a mask around my neck, I also packed extra weapons because that nightmare was creeping me out. Now I was ready and joined So Hyun at the entrance.

*So Hyun’s POV*

I was waiting at the entrance for Jane to get ready. And as if she read my mind. Jane came out of the room fully equipped with weapons. I headed towards her.

“I’m guessing your scared if your nightmare came true?”, I asked. “How did you know?”, she asked with widened eyes and I smiled.
“Well your carrying extra weapons which isn’t something you would do and you look a little paranoid", Jane looked down.

"Everything will be fine, don’t worry”, I reassured her and she nodded before leaving our apartment.

We were going our usual route to find the survivors and to our luck we didn’t find any sign of them, let alone came across any zombies. As I was about to change the route, since it was getting late, we heard a sound from the corner of a building. Thinking it was a zombie we both stopped in our steps.
Jane looked at me and I nodded signaling her to move along, we made our way to the place where the sound came from.

I made a fist with my hand and held it high as a sign for Jane to stop. She stopped in her tracks and I moved towards the place of the sound. There was a wounded man lying on the floor with his hand on the lower abdomen.

“Sir, are you okay?”, I asked the man. He looked up with his eyes squinted to take a better look at me. “Am I dead?”, he asked. “No sir, you’re not dead. How did you get injured?”, I asked him.
“T-them…”, he said while pointing to his right.

Jane and I looked to the direction he pointed and saw a group of zombies. I gulped the lump in my throat and looked back at the man, who instantly pounced on me the moment I looked back at him. He tried to bite my neck to infect me.

What could go wrong?

Just as I had the thought, the group of zombies who were watching us for a while now started running towards the scene. I tried to get rid of the man who was on top of me. Holding his neck with my right hand and using my left hand to find my weapon, I kept the man at bay for a while.

Jane on the other hand took out a bomb from her pocket and threw it at the group of zombies. Finally finding my crowbar, I smacked the man in the face real hard and he got off me. I got up and looked at Jane who was fighting with a zombie. Making a step to help her a sound was heard from the other block.

I looked to my right and saw another group of zombies running our way. This time the group seemed more bigger than the last. I turned to look at Jane and saw the zombie she was fighting, running away. I ran to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her with me.

“Why are you running? We beat the zombies”, she asked, but before I could explain, the screeching sound of the zombies got louder than before. Upon hearing the screeches Jane turned her head back and gasped. “Ah, I see why”, she said and we ran fast.

I made a sharp right turn. Jane was about to stumble due to my sudden change in route. I grabbed both her arms and pulled her to the corner and went in the middle of the street.

Taking two bombs out of my pockets and raising them in the air, I took out the pins and threw the bombs towards the zombies. As soon as the bombs were thrown, I grabbed Jane’s hand and we both ran. The place where the bombs were thrown, exploded behind us.

We had been running for about half an hour now. So I decided to stop for a while. We both were sweating and breathing heavily. I grabbed both my knees and tried to catch my breath.

“Hey? Are you okay? Did you… Get infected… By that man?”, she said in between her pants. “I’m… not sure”, I breathed and stood straight to look if I was injured.

As I started scanning my body for any wound, Jane made her way towards a pile of cars and sat on a car’s hood. I found no wound, just some of my scars I got while hunting for the past few years.

“All clear”, I said as I made my way to where Jane was. “Whoo, that’s a relief”, she said and I sat beside her on the hood. “We should head back, it’s getting late”, I reminded her and she nodded.

*Jane’s POV*

We got up and started heading back, as we were walking quietly, we came across a dead end. “I’ve never seen this place before”, So Hyun said while scanning the new place thoroughly.

“Yeah, this place is giving me weird vibes. Let’s get out of here”, I said. “Yeah, let’s go”, she turned around only to find a zombie in front of the one and only exit. “Don’t these punks ever die? Gosh, I’m so tired”, I said in a frustrated way.

“Well, it’s just one…”, just then another zombie came in sight, “Or two…”, and out came another one and another and…

We’re screwed.

“You were saying?”, I said sarcastically with a raised eyebrow. “Huh, it’s gonna be a long night I guess”, she said while we took out our weapons and as if on cue the zombies ascended towards us.

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