Chapter : 32

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*2 Years Later*
*Michael’s POV*

It had been 2 years since me and my wife separated and I was doing well, you can say. At least I’m still alive and managed to find a decent job to keep me in shape. I lived in the same house as I didn’t have much money to rent a new one, plus this was our house, I had many memories here.

Right now I was finishing what I had started… OCA. It’s almost complete. OCA is a serum I made meant to control any living organism. Just insert the serum in any animal, give your orders and boom! You can now control your new toy. This is what I wanted to show Mr. Jones 2 years ago. A weapon beyond our imagination.

Imagine controlling thousands of animals and using them for military purposes, you can be unstoppable! Plus! If they get hit, they still live! How cool is that?!

“Just a little more and… DONE!”, I said as I got up from my seat and opened my arms wide, I completed the serum. I was so happy to achieve my goal, but I need to test it out first. Then an idea popped up in my mind.

What if I use this on Sam? I’ll get my revenge and I can test it out too. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

At the thought I grabbed my coat before leaving to Sam’s house. It was quite late at night, but waking him up wouldn’t be a bad thing now would it? I reached his house and got out of my car. “Still the same home I see”, I said and rang the doorbell.

In a few minutes, Sam opened the door. He was wearing a bathrobe around his body with his eyes half open he spoke, “Who are you?”. “Forgot me so soon?”, I said with a small shrug. “Sir, I don’t… Wait, Michael?”, he said with his eyes now fully open. “Surprise!”, I said with a devilish smile.

“What are you doing here? I thought you died”, he asked and I didn’t bother to explain. I took out the serum from my pocket, opened the lid and poured the black liquid all over his exposed body. He moved back in an instant before yelling, “What the hell is that?!”.

“A little surprise gift”, I said with a cheeky smile and Sam held his stomach before vomiting on his doorstep. “That’s gross”, I said while scrunching my nose in disgust. “So how do you feel?”, I asked, but he seemed pale and began to shake violently. I backed away and he collapsed on the floor.

After a lot of shaking he got up in a wobbly way and looked very different from before. “You seem a little… Disoriented”, I said while waving my hands all over his body and examined him from head to toe.

He screeched in a high pitch voice and ran towards me, making us both fall to the ground with him on top of me. “I think it wasn’t ready yet…”, I said while trying to get rid of him.

I kicked him to the side and got up, walking backwards, I watched his moves closely and saw him go inside his house. Just a few minutes later I heard his wife and kids scream. “Hmm, should I check it out? Nah, there’s no need”, I waved my hands.

Sam came out of the house with his family behind him, I hid behind a tree just near a fence and looked at them walking horrendously. “OK, so… He looks like a zombie, his wife looks like a zombie and… His kids too… How did they turn into… Whatever that is?”, I asked myself.

Just then a man came by while walking his dog, the zombie family looked at them with lust and did not hesitate to run at them. They all pounced at the dog and owner and began devouring them. Moments later the owner and dog had turned into the same wobbly creatures like the family.

So, they bit him and the dog and they transformed into… A zombie, you can say? If I give orders will it work?

I thought for a while then moved close to them and gained their attention, they began walking towards me and I yelled, “Stop!”. The zombies stoppet but soon, continued to walk closer to me. I opened my mouth to order again, “Stop and kneel down”.

The zombies didn’t do anything and kept moving forward.

Screw it!

I ran for my very life and they instinctively chased me from behind. I threw a garbage bin from behind just to distract them and ran all the way to my house. As I reached my house I slammed the door shut and locked it.

I made my way towards the window and looked through the gap between my blinds, the coast was clear. I sighed in relief and thought about what went wrong.

If only I had my documents, non of this would have happened!

*A Year Later*
*Michael’s POV*

The year went by in the blink of an eye, the news was spread that there’s a harmful disease making people turn into blood sucking monsters. No one knew the cause, nor did they know who made it. There was a pandemic in the middle of the year, but soon the president decided to evacuate the city as there was no way to contain the virus.

Loads of ferry’s came and picked up the people, transporting them to another city which was safer. I packed my things and made my way out of the house, followed the people and made it to the ferry. I looked at the city for the last time before entering the ship.

The sounds of guns firing were heard from outside the ship. Guards, soldiers, police, agents, patriots, all the people who wanted to get rid of the malicious, wild fire like spreading virus, defended the city and laid their lives to protect it.

However, I wasn’t done just yet. I had to make a sustainable OCA.
Hey, Hunter's!

Hope you understand Michael's goal and his revenge that is making him all crazy.

Thank you so much for the votes and thank you so much for reading my book!


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