Chapter : 28 [The Fight-II]

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*Jason’s POV*

A few more ships arrived and anchored at the docks, the doors opened of each ferry and 2 guards stood at each side of the door. There were 5 ships in total, but the ship I was looking for hadn’t arrived. Everyone stood in lines outside each ship and the guards one by one checked their eyes before letting them in.

“Why is their a guard in our ship? Where’s Captain Carl?”, Jake asked Michael. I leaned towards them to hear their conversation closely. “Eh, he’s a drama queen”, Michael waved his hand. “Why? What happened?”, Jake asked. “He said he’s too old and doesn’t have the strength anymore”, Michael explained while twirling a few strands of hair in between his finger.

“So what did you do to him?”, Jake asked and I didn’t realize that the line had become shorter than before. A guard told me to move on, but I wanted to know if the Captain was still alive. “I let him go”, Michael said and walked to his ferry.

I sighed in relief before the guard pushed me to move forward. I walked ahead and looked around to find a ship, but it never came. I poked Mark who was standing just in front of me.

He understood immediately and poked Casey who poked Jessica who poked Ben and everyone got the message. “Ow!”, Jessica put both her hands on her stomach and got down to her knees. “Agh!”, Ben was next and placed his hands on the ground for support.

“Ack!”, Mark suddenly collapsed and Casey rushed to his brother. Max and Wayne crouched towards Ben while So Hyun shaked Jessica and asked what’s wrong. The guards furrowed their eyebrows in confusion and the line got disturbed. Everyone moved away from our group and began whispering to each other.

Jake and Michael saw the commotion and came to us immediately. “What’s going on?”, Michael asked. I bent down towards Mark and shaked him. “Mark? What’s wrong?”, I asked. “You aren’t playing with us, are you?”, Jake asked with a raised brow.

“Shut up and help me! Mark get up!”, I shook Mark, but he didn’t respond back. Both Michael and Jake sighed before telling the guards to keep up with their work.

Thinking that our friends were being infected, Bruce told the guards to separate us from the people. The guards carried our friends collapsed bodies and brought us 20 meters away from the ships.

“Stay here and don’t even think about moving”, a guard said before turning around, his back facing us. There were 7 guards who guarded us in a circle while we tried to wake our unconscious friends. “Come on, Mark!”, I shaked his body and he opened his eyes slightly.

“Now?”, he asked. “Now”, I said and we all moved behind each one of the guards before breaking their necks and threw their lifeless bodies in the sea. “Everyone got their guns?”, I asked and they all nodded.

I looked at the sea, but didn’t find any ship. So Hyun stood beside me and I passed her a gun before speaking. “You okay?”, I asked. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just… I just miss her”, she said with a sigh. “We’re doing this for her”, I reassured and she smiled.

We walked towards Jake and Michael with our guns pointing at the guards. Gasps and a few screams were heard. “Hold it! Hold your fire!”, Bruce ordered his men to stay put. “I thought I had told you to not make me angry, Jason”, Jake said while massaging his temples.

“I don’t care what you say. You all have a chance to join us! Come with us and you’ll be safe!”, I told the survivors who were now in a dilemma. “Jason… You’re pissing me off even more. Drop your guns, all of you and get in line”, Jake told while pointing at us.

“I’m not coming with you”, I said. Jake poked his inner cheek with his tongue before turning to look at Michael. “I told you he’s stubborn”, he said. “Jason, why make it hard for everyone? Come with us. You can enjoy all that you desire, you can have everything you ever wanted”, Michael said.

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