Chapter : 24

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*So Hyun’s POV*

It was morning, I opened my eyes to look at the alarm clock which hadn’t rung. “Is it broken?”, I said to myself while checking the clock. I shrugged and looked around the room only to find all the beds empty.

Wow, everyone’s awake.

I got up from my bed and got freshed before making my way towards the hall. “You’re finally up”, a voice said which belonged to Jane. “You okay?”, I asked while seating myself beside her. “Head hurts a bit, but it’s okay, thanks to Jessica”, she while smiling at the brown haired girl and passed me my tray of breakfast.

“You were pretty drunk last night”, Eunji said while I took a bite of my sandwich. “Oh, really? What did I do?”, Jane asked and I quickly changed the subject. “When are we going to scout today?”, I asked Jason. “We’ll go a little later or do you want to go after breakfast”, Jason asked.

“After breakfast sounds good”, I said and the others agreed. “Okay then”, he said while sipping on his orange juice. “Where’s Jake?”, Wayne asked Jason who seemed a little stiff. “He’s busy”, Jason answered in a cold tone.

“Busy with what?”, Max asked while taking a bite of his omelet. “Stuff”, Jason answered not sparing a glance at the guys and took another sip of his juice. “What kind of stuff?”, Mark asked while crossing his arms. “Will you stop asking questions!”, Jason yelled while slamming the empty glass on the table.

Everyone flinched except for Mark. “What happened between you two? You both were clearly acting strange yesterday”, Mark asked with a cold yet charming gaze. “Nothing. Get ready, we’ll be leaving soon”, Jason said before leaving the table with his tray.

“What do you mean they were acting strange?”, I asked Mark. “Yesterday for some reason, when Jake entered the room, Jason seemed to be avoiding our questions and didn’t laugh at Max and Wayne’s stupid jokes...”.

“Rude”, Max and Wayne said together before Mark continued “Usually he would find everything they do funny, but he seemed distant, and that’s not all. Jake and Jason argued about whether they should let the people go to the city”, Mark finished and everyone continued eating their breakfast.

“Hmm… He did say he wanted to tell me something about Jake”, I said loud enough for only me to hear. I sighed and finished my breakfast before getting ready and stood outside in front of the gate.

I was told we will be having 2 new scouts today, so I was excited to meet them. 2 figures came out of the building and I spoke. “I’m guessing they’re the new scouts?”, I asked Jessica who nodded.

After the unknown people came in the light, towards the gate, my jaw dropped. “You!?”, I said in disbelief. “Surprise, señorita”, the unknown man, Brian said. “Why are you scouting today?”, I asked with a raised brow. “Because, I wanted to see you”, he said with a wink.

I frowned and moved closer to Jason. “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from her?”, Jason said with a threatening glare. “Sorry, man”, Brian raised his hands in defeat and backed away. “Ben’s coming too?”, Jane asked in surprise.

“Yeah. Can’t I come along?”, Ben asked Jane with a gaze I couldn’t decipher. “N-no I mean, you can. I’m surprised that’s all”, Jane said while looking everywhere besides Ben’s face.

“Alright! Everyone’s here?”, Jake arrived and clapped. “New scout’s, I see”, he said while looking at Brian and Ben. “Let’s begin our journey, shall we?”, Jake asked before everyone nodded. I glanced at Jason who frowned at Jake.

Did they both fight? Does what he wanted to tell me yesterday got something to do with them being distant from each other?

I had numerous thoughts, but I put them aside and focused on finding the survivors. “Alright, we shall go to the ship and then we can separate to find the survivors”, Jake reminded. We reached the harbor and the ship anchored in front of us.

“Sir, I didn’t press the horn today”, the captain said with a proud smile. “Very good, sir”, Jake complimented and the ferry’s door opened revealing the masked men with torches in their hands. “Only this much?”, one of the masked men asked Jake. “Yes”, Jake replied.

“You know? You should be bringing all of the people by now”, the masked man told. “Do as your told, sir. I will bring them whenever I want”, Jake said sternly. “As you wish”, the man shrugged and continued to check the people before letting them in.

“What was that about?”, Jessica asked and Jake scoffed before turning around to face us, his expression completely changed. Before he looked ready to punch the masked guy and now he looks like the same jolly Jake he was when we first met.

Somethings definitely wrong.

“Alright, time to search for survivors”, Jake said while clapping his hands. “I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks he’s acting weird, right?”, I whispered to Jessica and Jane who nodded in agreement.

The masked men went in the ship and the door closed. Both the men went towards the captain and took off their masks, revealing their faces. The man who spoke to Jake, looked like a middle aged man as for the other he looked a little younger than him. The middle aged man glared at Jake before diverting his gaze in front of him.

“Come on guys, pair u-”, Jake ordered, but got cut by Jason. “I think it’s best if we stick together today, don’t you?”, Jason asked while looking at the others with an annoyed expression. “Uh, you’re asking us?”, Jane asked and Jason nodded.

“Well, I don’t see why we shouldn’t go together”, Jessica said. “Great, let’s go”, Jason said before pulling me with him. I looked back at the guys and shrugged. The rest followed from behind and we began scouting.

Jason and I walked ahead, but I noticed Jason slowing his steps, so I slowed mine too and we soon were at the back of the group. “What’s wrong?”, I asked. “Nothing”, Jason said not once looking at me. “Oookay”.

*Brian’s POV*

I wanted to walk along with So Hyun, but who do I get? This black haired dude.

“Hey...”, I called him, but he ignored. “Are you ignoring me right now?”, I asked and he didn’t reply. “Wow, I can’t believe I’m stuck with you... What’s your name?”, I asked.

“Ben”, he replied. “Huh… Well my name is-”. “Don’t care”, the dude cut me midsentence. “You should know my name just in case we get into a difficult situation-”, he cut me again. “Don’t care”. “Wow, your such a jerk”, I scoffed. “Don’t care”, he said. “Stop saying that!”, I yelled, but he didn’t reply.

What the hell is this dude’s problem? Ugh… I’m bored.

“Hey…”, I called again, no reply. “Hey…”, no reply again. “Hey! I’m talking to you”, I yelled. “I have ears you know”, Ben said with a glare. “Are you always this boring?”, I said. “Are you always this annoying?”, he shot back with a glare while crossing his arms.

Man, this guy!
Hey, Hunter's!

This was a little boring chapter, I guess.


"Fear not for I shall gift yee a fun and interesting chapter very sooneth!"

Stay safe, Hunter's!

Enjoy! 💜

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