Chapter : 7

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*So Hyun’s POV*

As we drew out our weapons we made our way down the stairs. Jane was walking behind me while I was leading ahead. The sounds were getting louder as we went down.

As soon as we reached the ground floor. The glass doors of the apartment broke. We ducked down and saw a zombie was thrown at the door. The zombie was on the floor and moved horrendously as if it was having a seizure. But it was still alive.

The zombie noticed our presence and started to moving towards us. Jane was quick and hit the zombie in the head with the baseball bat really hard and it collapsed. “They have never been this close before”, I said. “Yeah, well I guess we better get used to it”, Jane shrugged.

With the zombie taken care of we went to check out what was going on outside. And to our surprise we saw about 10 people fighting a dozen of zombies.

There was so much going on, but first things first we had to help them. Jane and I ran to the scene and started beating the zombies together. The unknown people fighting seemed quite strong.

*Jason’s POV*

I was managing to stay alive as I have up till now but the zombie just won’t give up. I tried to find my weapon and saw it was 2 meters far to my left. Mr. Burger Zombie found the scene quite pleasing and started walking towards my pinned down body.

Great! Just great! You just had to come here Mr. Burger! Fine I’ll beat you both up.

“Just a little further”, I said while reaching out to my hockey stick. As I was reaching for it. The zombie which was on top of me fell to the other side. I covered my face with my arms instantly. Slowly looking up I saw a girl standing with a baseball bat in her hand looking down at me.

Wait, she isn’t one of our members. Is she?

“Are you okay, sir?”, she asked.“I’m fine now, thanks”, I said and she lent out her hand for me to grab.I held her hand and got up, started wiping the dust off my clothes and picked up my hockey stick.

“Who are you? I don’t think you came with us”, I asked. “Oh, I’m Jane and you are?”, “Jason, Jason Smith”, I said while moving my hand infront for a shake.

We both shook hands and went to help our friends. Jane went to her friend, while I went to deal with Mr. Burger. “Hey, big guy. You missed me?”, I said with a wide grin on my face.

Just then he attacked and I dodged by moving back. I held my stick with a firm grip and swung my arm. I did manage to hit the head of that guy but it wasn’t enough. His face turned towards me and he looked angry.

Oh man, he’s pissed.

*So Hyun’s POV*

While I was fighting the zombie, I noticed Jane wasn’t with me. At the thought of losing her I hit the zombie in the stomach so hard that it coughed out the black substance. I backed away immediately and checked if I got the virus on me.

After checking myself I sighed. The zombie ran away to some other guy. I turned my head to look for Jane and saw she was helping a guy. They both were shaking hands. After the shake she came towards me. “Care to explain?”, I asked.

“Well, his name is Jason Smith and…”, she stopped and started thinking. “You only know his name don’t you?”, I said with no emotion in my tone. “I guess, hehe”, she laughed nervously while scratching her head.

“We should help them first then find answers later”, I said and Jane nodded. With that we both went to the battle scene. I kept my eye on Jane while getting rid of those beings.

I don’t trust these people.

I was battling 2 zombies. One seems like a teenager while the other looked much older, probably a middle aged woman. The teenager ran towards me and aimed at my neck. I kept it away from biting the spot while the woman came running from the other side.

I didn’t notice where she was coming from and she slammed her body against my back. I collapsed on top of the teenager zombie with the woman on my back. Now both of them were trying to bite me. They moved violently.

I held the young zombies neck to keep it from coming close. On the other hand the woman took the opportunity and came close to my neck. I tried to get rid of her but she just wouldn’t budge.

My crowbar was on my back. I tried to reach for it but that woman was behind me while this teen was
losing its patience.

Gosh, where is it?!

*Jane’s POV*

I was fighting a big man. This guy was 2 feet taller than me. I tried to find its weak spot but each time I did, I failed miserably. I kept dodging it’s attacks. For a zombie it was fast, which is weird.

Since when did these guys get so fast? What happened to them? Did they evolve or something?

The zombie ran towards me and I swung my bat real hard and hit its abdomen. The zombie flew to the opposite side. While I watched it fall to the side I saw So Hyun.

Holy shit!

I ran towards her and once again, swung my bat. The woman got off her back and ran away. “Thanks”, she thanked. “No problem, you okay?”, I asked. She hit the younger zombie on the head with her crowbar and turned to me.

“Yeah, I’m fine”, she said and I sighed with relief. We looked around and saw more zombies making their way towards the commotion.

“At this rate, we’ll all die”, I said with worry. “Where’s Jason?”, she asked and I looked at her confused. “Why?”, I asked. “I have a plan”, she said.

I pointed to a guy wearing a blue denim jacket with black pants. His body was in good shape as if he worked out, as for his hair it was messy and sweaty due to the immense fights.

*So Hyun’s POV*

As Jane pointed towards the guy, I ran to him and beat the zombie he was fighting with my crowbar. The zombie ran away to some other guy and he looked at me with shock.

“Easy, I won’t hurt you”, he said with his hands in the air. “I’m not here to kill you”, as I said that he tilted his head. “I have a plan. Call out your group and tell them to head towards the Naver Building. Take Jane with you”, I said.

“So your plan is to run away?”, he asked. “Just do as I say and…”, I stopped midway and walked towards him. He walked back and I held him by the collar. “Take care of her with your life or else your dead meat”, with that I went to Jane.

“So?”, she said, I ignored her and grabbed her hand. I pulled Jane towards our apartment while beating a few zombies along the way. We got to our room.

“Jane, listen to me carefully. Grab everything you can, pack them in the bag in the weapons room. Go with Jason and his guys to the Naver Building. I’ll meet you at the entrance”.

I told my plan to Jane and was about to leave before Jane grabbed my sleeve and pulled me in a hug. “Be careful, or I’ll beat you”, she said and I smiled before leaving her.

I went to the center of the chaos and took out my detonater. A zombie came running towards me and I smacked it hard. Jane was out of the house in approximately 5 minutes.


I saw Jane running towards Jason. Jason looked at me and I gave him a cold stare. He instantly understood what I meant and kept his distance from Jane. Everyone started leaving for the bulding. Jane turned around to look at me, I gave her a nod and she nodded back before leaving.

Alright now you all deal with me.

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