Chapter : 9

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*In The Store*
*Jane’s POV*

I was walking in the snack isle while Jason was at the drinks isle. Running my fingers through the rails I spotted my favorite chips. Jason came to the snacks isle and stared at a specific area in the rail.

We both extended our hands and coincidently reached out for the same bag. My hand touched Jason’s, whose hand touched the bag of chips. Slowly looking to my right, I made eye contact with Jason. Suddenly I felt hot on my face and instantly looked away. I retreated my hand back and so did he.

“S-sorry, you c-can have that, I’ll look for something else”, I stuttered while looking away. “It’s OK y-you can have it”, he said waving his hands around.

Why did there have to be only one bag of chips?!

“Uh, ok”, I said as I grabbed the chips and put it in the bag. I hurriedly went to the medicine isle to look for the first aid kit for So Hyun. Looking around I found 2 boxes.

It would be a waste to leave one behind.

I took both the boxes and headed out the store. As I got out I saw So Hyun leaning against a pole with her eyes closed.

She must be tired from all that running.

I gave the boxes to the crew members and stealthily walked to So Hyun. Her eyes were still closed so it was a good time for me to scare her. As soon I was inches away from her face, So Hyun opened her eyes and I flinched, “Ah!”, slipped, “Whoa”, and fell on my butt “Ouch!”, I groaned in pain.

“I see your plan backfired”, she said with a cheeky grin on her face while looking down on me. “Yeah, yeah whatever”, I waved my right hand around and got up while keeping the left hand on my butt.

*So Hyun’s POV*

After moving away from the pole we gathered with the others. Jason came out of the store and joined us. “So, I think this is a good place to rest. What do you say?”, he asked while looking at me then at Jane.

Noticing Jason move his eyes away from Jane as soon as he looked at her made me suspicious. “This place?”, Jane asked. “Uh, y-yeah”, he stuttered and fiddled with his fingers.

Not removing my eyes away from Jason I noticed he kept touching his left hand. Looking at my right side I saw Jane touching her right hand. “I’m fine with it, we’ll camp here”, I said, snapping them both out of their trance and everyone began unpacking.

While Jane and I were unpacking our stuff. Well, mostly me since Jane was zoning out a lot. Losing my patience I snapped my fingers in front Jane’s face and she looked at me. “Huh, what?”.

“What happened in the store?”, I asked with a raised eye brow. “Oh, uh, nothing unusual”, she said while avoiding my gaze. “OK then, I’ll ask Jason instead”, “NO!” Jane screamed and gained everyone’s attention.

“Uh, go on ahead”, Jane waved her hands, signaling the others to carry on with their work. “Sooo…”, I whispered in her ear and she jumped.

“Will you stop, you scared me”, she said with her hand on her chest. “Now I’m sure something happened”, I crossed my arms.
“Give it a rest will you? I’m tired”, she said while unfolding her bed roll. “Did he threaten you? He did, didn’t he? I knew we shouldn’t-”, I was cut by Jane’s smack on my head.

“He did not threaten me. Stop being so cautious, he’s a good guy. He’s been good to us so far. Look he’s even asked us to come with him”, she said while gesturing with her arms wide open.

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