Chapter : 20

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*Jane’s POV*

After we had split up, Jake and I explored an unknown part of the city. “Have you been here before?”, I asked. “Not really, this place is giving off creepy vibes”, he said while shaking his body.

We stayed quiet for a while until Jake spoke. “So, I heard you guys lived in an apartment. What was your area like?”, he asked. “Well, it was a great place. Once we get out of the house, there are buildings lined up by ours and if you walk further you’ll come across a crossroad”, I explained.

“A crossroad you say? Never seen that place”, he said. “Well, you know? Once a zombie came in our apartment, we didn’t know how long it had been there, but when we found out, we immediately moved houses”, I told.

“Whoa, that’s sick! But creepy. Imagine your taking a shower and a zombie is there looking at you”, Jake said and I immediately covered my body with my arms. “That’s gross!”, I yelled. “Well, that happened to me before. It was when me and Jason had found out about the base. It wasn’t really a secured building like it is now, so a zombie managed to slip in the shower”, Jake laughed.

“Wow! That’s cool, but gross! What did you do then?”, I asked curiously. “What else? Once I got out of the shower I was facing an ugly creature, I reached for my shampoo bottle and squirted some on its face. It backed off and I got the chance to get out safely”, he said proudly.

“That’s soo cool and funny. It’s cool because you used a shampoo bottle and funny because you used a freaking shampoo bottle!”, I laughed and tried to imagine what it would be like to be in his place, but the thought sent shivers down my spine.

We were having a good time, telling our stories of what we had encountered in our time around here and got to know more about each other. While we were relaxed by the atmosphere, an unknown sound was heard, right away we stopped talking and raised our weapons.

“What was that?”, I whispered to Jake. “Don’t know, keep your eyes open”, he whispered back. Not knowing what would come out, I made a plan to just hit it as hard as I can. I heard a sound of footsteps behind me, so I stayed still, waiting for it to come closer.

As I felt that it was quite close behind me I instantly spun around and swung my metal rod, but the thing that I was going to hit, held my bat. I looked at the thing closely and saw a guy, he was probably the same age as me and Jake. “W-who-”, I was cut by the unknown man.

“Introductions later, right now deal with them!”, he scolded. I looked to where he pointed at and saw a building with its entrance door broken. “But there’s no one there”, Jake questioned. “Oh, there is something alright. Just you wait”, he said while holding his arm.

“What happened to your arm?”, I asked. “Them…”, he said while looking at the door. I turned and our eyes widened for the hundredth time. There were 2 huge ass zombies in front of us, they weren’t like the huge zombies we had dealt with back at the hospital. These were bigger than them and had a glowing light on their stomach.

“What’s that?”, I asked Jake. “No clue”, he said. The zombie looked at us and growled. “Can they see us?”, I asked the unknown man. “Yes”, he answered. “Run!”, Jake yelled and we ran, the zombies chased from behind. “What the hell are they? And how are they so big?!”, I yelled.

“There must have been some added chemical in the virus, there’s no way they could be this huge!”, Jake yelled. “How do you know?”, I yelled back. “I… It was just a speculation, I mean isn’t it obvious?”, he said. “OK, I guess”, I said and continued running.

The unknown man ran along with us, I decided to ask him his name. “Hey! What’s your name?”. “Ben!”, he answered. I thought about to asking a few more questions, such as:

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