Chapter : 26

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*Jason's POV*

I turned on the lights before seating myself on a chair beside the round table and waited for everyone to join. Soon Max, Wayne, Mark, Casey, Jessica and Ben had arrived.

"Where's Jake and So Hyun?", Wayne asked. "They don't need to come", I answered. "Why did you call us here?", Mark asked. "I called you guys here because I want to tell you something important", I answered.

"Alright, let's get this over with", Ben said while crossing his arms. I began to explain the situation Jake had created. While I explained, everyone's expressions would change to confusion, anger, sadness and many more.

"Please, trust me. I'm not in his plan. I ask you to stay by my side", I pleaded. Everyone shifted their gazes amongst each other and thought about it for a while before Mark stood up and slammed his hand on the table.

"I trust you! I knew something was off about Jake, I'm with you Jason. You have my trust". I smiled at marks reply. "I trust you too, Jason", Jessica said before getting up and put her hand on Mark's shoulder. My smile grew wider than before. "What my brother just said", Casey said.

"I'm in!", Max said. "Me too!", Wayne agreed. "You guys seem trustworthy. I knew he was fishy from the start. I'm with you", Ben said. "Thank you guys for trusting me. I'll make sure we get out of here, you can count on me", I said and Mark made his way towards me before putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Just because we trust you doesn't mean that you'll do everything on your own. You have us now, you got it?". "Thanks guys", I said and pulled him in for a warm hug.

*Jessica's POV*

After the meeting we went to our rooms. I slowly turned the door knob before entering the room and turned on the lamp. I saw So Hyun sleeping, but her eyes were wet.

She misses her.

I went towards her bed and sat at the edge. I looked at her face closely and saw tears rolling down at the corner of her eyes. I wiped them with my finger and covered her with a blanket before turning the lights off and went to sleep.

It hadn't been long since I closed my eyes before So Hyun started muttering a few words. At first I let it go, thinking that she's just talking in her sleep, but as I paid closer attention, I noticed that she was talking a lot.

I stood up and turned on the lamp, moved towards So Hyun and tried to wake her up. "Hey, So Hyun?", I called, but she didn't seem to hear me. Eunji and a few other girls woke up and asked what was going on.

"So Hyun, wake up", I called once again. "Jane... No... Jane... Come back... No... No... No!", So Hyun got up in an instant and started looking around, she breathed heavily. "Hey, it's okay", I tried to calm her, but she took out a knife from under her pillow and pointed it towards me.

I backed away and the rest of the girls got up from their beds. "Stay back!", So Hyun yelled while swinging her knife. "So Hyun, it's us, your friends", I told, but that didn't seem to help one bit.

As I tried to reach out to her, she swung her knife and told me to stay back. "So Hyun, snap out of it!", I yelled thinking that it will work, but she didn't seem to have any effect. "You took away Jane from me. I'll kill you all!", So Hyun yelled before running towards me and pinned me to the ground.

She raised her knife above her head and was about to stab me, but I held her hand. She used her other hand to push the blade, I used my other hand to keep it away. "Don't just stand there! Call Jason!", I snapped at the shocked Eunji and she nodded before running out of the room.

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