Chapter : 12

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*Jason’s POV*

With that the elevator doors opened and I let out a heavy sigh. Holding my bat high I looked to my left and right. It’s good to be safe than sorry. Once again I sighed heavily and decided to take a step forward. As I made an attempt to get out, the doors of the elevator started closing I stopped it by putting my bat in between the gap.

Well, that’s embarrassing. Good thing I’m alone. Ha ha… Ha.

I laughed at myself but that didn’t help at all. Finally getting out of the elevator I called out to the girls, “Kate! Wanda?”. No reply. “You guys here?”, I waited once again, no reply. “Hey, guys stop messing around”, I waited for a minute. No one answered.

“No, no, no, no. Please be alright. This is all my fault!”, I scolded myself, dropped the bat and walked front and back. I massaged my temples with my right hand while my left hand was on my hip. As I was thinking of any possible situation they would be in, a noise came from room 48.

Almost instantly I picked up my bat and turned towards the room. “Kate? Is that you? Wanda?”, I called, but no one answered, instead the noise became louder. I pressed my upper and lower teeth together, debating in whether I should check it out or not.

After a good 2 minutes of thinking I made my mind and decided to go in. Slowly moving towards the door with my bat raised above my head I placed my left hand on the handle and twisted it open. Once the door was opened I saw dead bodies lying on the floor.

I furrowed my brows and walked in the room. The room was piled up with furniture. Tables, chairs, beds, tables with cubicles, some equipment and all sorts of things. The door closed behind me and I decided to call out to the girls.

As I opened my mouth to call out before I even had the chance to react, a zombie jumped on me out of nowhere and we both fell on the floor. I still didn’t quite recover from the last blow, so it hurt a bit. The zombie that was on top of me looked familiar.

Wanda? No… I was too late.

She tried to bite me I grabbed my bat and hit her hard on the head. She got off me right away and shrieked, while she tried to recover another zombie came in sight towards my left. She was hiding under a table and made low creepy screeches. I walked back and stepped on some pieces of glass.

As soon as she heard my foot touching the shattered glass, she crawled to me in the most horrendous way possible. I swung my bat and hit her on the back. She coughed out the virus and it got on my shoes. I hopped on one leg and shaked the foot covered with the virus.

As I was trying to get rid of it, Wanda ran to me and pinned me against the wall. She opened her mouth wide and I stuck the bat vertically, holding her back. “I shouldn’t have come alone”, I said as frustration built inside of me.

Getting tired of these zombies I kicked her leg and pushed her with all my might. Her back hit the table and she fell while Kate ran to me and got a hard blow on her face with my bat. Kate no longer had the energy to move so she stayed still on the ground as if she was paralyzed.

I took this as a chance to get out of the room. As soon as I reached for the door handle, Wanda body slammed me and I fell down. “Agh! Will you stop!”, my blood boiled and I had about enough of this. I dropped my bat and held my fists in front of me. We both circled around facing each other.

“Come on!”, I yelled and Wanda came running towards me. I punched her in the jaw and she spat out the virus. She was still on her feet, but soon collapsed when I kicked her left leg, dislocating it, grabbed her right arm on my back and threw her body in the air, and on the ground.

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