Chapter : 13

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*Jane’s POV*

The laughter that filled the air quiet down, no one spoke until Jason broke the silence. “Alright, you guys stay here, me and So Hyun will check this out”, Jason spoke in his deep, manly and serious voice. Everyone nodded and we waited for them.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, I spoke. “They should have been back by now”. “Don’t worry Jane. Jason knows what he’s doing, he’ll be back”, Mark reassured. “But it’s been too long, shouldn’t we go after… Them…?”, I trailed off when I saw Jason and So Hyun running towards us.

Everyone followed my gaze and understood my expression clearly. Jason and So Hyun seemed to be running away from something. I looked behind them to see what was chasing, but only saw dust. “Hey, can anyone see what’s behind them?”, I asked and Mark squinted his eyes to look closely.

“Run!”, Jason yelled. “Run!”, this time So Hyun yelled while waving her arms. No one moved until we saw what they were running away from. “Zombies…”, I whispered to myself and our eyes widened. “Run!”, I yelled and the crew separated.

Jason and So Hyun caught up to us and Jason yelled, “Head for the building!”. He pointed to a collapsed building, leaning on a much shorter building. The others were ahead of us while me and Eunji were behind. “Eunji can you hold on?”, I asked. “I can!”.

We both ran as fast as we could, though Eunji was injured, she ran with all her might. I worried for her as she still needed time to heal, but she held on. As the last people in the group we couldn’t make it to the building.

I decided to head to the nearest one. “Eunji, over there”, I pointed to a building near us and she nodded, once we entered I stopped running and crouched down in front of Eunji and spoke, “Climb on my back”.

“What? Why? I can run just fine”, she ignored and started walking away. “Eunji…”, I was about to convince her when the sounds of the zombies were heard, louder than before. We both gasped and I turned to Eunji. “Eunji, listen to me. Get on my back, you still need time to recover, it’s ok. I’ve carried So Hyun too”, I pleaded.

She looked ahead, then at me, then behind me. “Ok”, she said and hopped on my back. As she got on my back I tried to get up and almost tripped. “I should get off-”. “Nope! You’re not getting off. I can do this!”, I said with determination and stood straight before running.

The sounds were getting louder I looked back, then ahead and saw an escalator. Although it was dark, the moonlight shone at an area on the steps of the escalator. As I reached the mechanical stairs, Eunji spoke. “I can do it from here…”. “No! We’re doing this together”, I said and held Eunji tight.

I wasn’t sure if I could do it though, but we didn’t have time. Carrying Eunji on my back I rushed up the stairs as fast as I could. There were times when I would almost trip over, but Eunji would help me balance. We finally reached the top, Eunji got off my back and I sat down with a thud.

“Are you okay?”, Eunji crouched down. “I’m… Fine… I guess… Let’s go”, I panted while getting up only to trip by my own leg. Eunji reacted fast and caught me, but her position wasn’t stable enough to hold us both, so she fell on my back. “Oh! Sorry”, she instantly got up.

“It’s okay, I’m okay. We’re okay, everyone’s okay!”, I said while straightening my back as I got on my feet. “Let’s head there”, I pointed towards a door at the floor above us behind the rails. Eunji followed my finger and nodded.

*Jessica’s POV*

After a swarm of zombies came running towards us, we split once again. Me, Mark, Max and Wayne were in the building Jason told us to go to or at least we thought. “Where’s Jason?”, I asked. “I think we’re in the wrong building”, Max answered while looking around.

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