Chapter : 18

18 3 8

*Jason’s POV*

After we had finished breakfast, we geared up and stood in front of the gate, I waited for Jake before Eunji spoke. “I’m coming too”. “Eunji your leg still needs time to heal, stay here”, Jane said before Eunji looked down at her leg. “The more you rest, the faster your leg will heal”, So Hyun reassured her before the gates opened.

“Where’s Jake?”, I asked looking around for him. “I’m here, sorry I’m late. I was trying to… Is this how you wear it?”, Jake asked while trying to adjust a vest around his chest. “Bud, you’re wearing it the other way around”, I laughed before helping him out. “There we go”, I said and Jake patted my back before speaking. “As expected, you’re really helpful”.

The others chuckled before leaving with the people with their names ticked and walked to where the ship will arrive. “After getting the people on board we’ll leave to look for survivors”, Jake told. “We’re coming too”, So Hyun said and Jake nodded.

We reached the harbor and  waited for the ship. “They’ll be here any minute now…”, Jake said and just in time the ship came in sight. The captain waved at us and was going to press the horn. “No! Don’t do it!”, Jake and I yelled while waving our arms. However, the captain didn’t hear us and pressed it.

The ship blared and we covered our ears, the huge ferry stood in front of us, an anchor dropped in the water and we uncovered our ears before Jake spoke. “Sir, I thought I had told you to not press the horn. It could attract the zombies”. “Oh, sorry. I forgot”, the captain apologized.

“OK everyone, it’s time”, I said and the door of the ferry opened with two guards coming out, wearing safety suits covering their bodies from head to toe, with masks on their face. The people one by one got in the ferry and the guards checked their eyes with their torches before letting them in.

“Thank you so much, son”, the man named James said while shaking my hand. “No problem, sir. Enjoy your time”, I gave him a smile and the old man smiled back before getting checked and went in the ship. “Is this all?”, one of the guards asked Jake. “Yes, that’s the last of them”, he said.

“What about them?”, the guard pointed at me, Jane, So Hyun, Jessica, Mark, Max and Wayne. “They’re not leaving”, Jake said while standing closer in front of the man in a threatening way. “Ok”, the guard raised his hand up in defeat before entering the ship.

The captain waved before leaving the harbor. “That was refreshing to watch”, Jane said and I nodded. “Time to go search for survivors”, Jake said while adjusting his sleeves. “We should split up and meet up here later”, I said and the rest nodded before forming into pairs.

So Hyun and I were a pair, Jane and Jake were a pair. Max and Wayne were together, Jessica and Mark were a pair. “Alright, Max and Wayne search the south side. Jessica and Mark the west side, So Hyun and Jason will search near the harbor while Jane and I will search the east side”, Jake ordered and we all nodded.

“Keep your walkie talkies with you at all times and respond as fast as you can”, I said and we all split up. “I’ll check near the docks”, So Hyun said and I nodded. I searched a little further away from So Hyun and saw a building.

I waved at So Hyun to let her know that I’m going in. After she saw my signal, I opened the doors of the building and searched for people. “Hello? Is anyone here?”, I called out, but no one answered. There were 5 rooms on the ground floor, I decided to check them from left to right.

As I came upon the first door, I raised my bat, ready to hit anything that comes out of the room and opened the door. I moved back instantly and waited for something to come out, but it never came. Slowly peeking in the room I found out the room was empty.

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