Chapter : 10 - Part I

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*Jason’s POV*

As soon as we heard the screech, So Hyun made her way off the building and I followed from behind. She stepped on the can and hid. Jane was getting up and we can’t let the zombies see her. I decided to run to Jane instead, pulled her in my embrace and putting my hand on her mouth.

This is my time to gain So Hyun’s trust. I must make no mistakes.

“Jane don’t move”, I whispered in her ear and looked in the direction of the zombies. Jane followed my gaze and understood. I slowly removed my hand from her mouth.

Knowing what she will ask, I answered her, “So Hyun’s hiding there”, I titled my head in the direction of the crashed cars and Jane sighed in relief. So Hyun looked at me with an expression I couldn’t decipher.

She’s so mysterious.

I didn’t realize I was embracing Jane for a while now until she spoke. “You can let me go now”, she whispered. I hurriedly removed my arms from around her body and backed away. Looking ahead I saw the zombies had left.

We sighed and So Hyun came out of her hiding. I got up and decided to wake up the crew. As I started walking, So Hyun stepped in front of me and said, “Thank you”, then headed to Jane. I smiled and went to the guys.

“Guys, wake up. Get up. Time to go”, I clapped my hands and they slowly opened their eyes and yawned. “Why did you wake us up so early?”, the young teen named Casey yawned while rubbing his eyes. “We spotted some zombies not far from here. You have rested enough. Let’s get going”.

At the word ‘zombies’ everyone’s eyes opened wide. Some even stood up and started packing immediately. I went to pack my stuff and looked over at the girls. Jane and So Hyun seemed to be having a serious conversation.

When everyone had packed, we set out. After leaving the area we walked for about 1 hour and arrived at an abandoned hospital. The hospital seemed like a haunted house. Many windows and doors were broken. The glass entrance was shattered.

“Should we check it out?”, Jane suggested. “Why would you want to go there?”, I asked while looking at the place with disgust. “We might find someone?”, she said. “I don’t think there might be anyone here”, I said and she nodded.

As we started moving, “Help! Anyone!”, a muffled scream of a child was heard. “Did you hear that?”, I asked. “Hear what?, So Hyun said. “Listen”, I said while leaning towards the hospital. “Help!”, the sound was heard again. “I hear it, it sounds like a girl. We should save her!”, Jane insisted. “Let’s go”, So Hyun said and started walking to the building.

We approached the entrance and Jane opened the door. The hospital from the inside looked huge, dark and trashed. Glass was shattered everywhere, papers were piled up, furniture’s were broken. Walking along the corridors, we asked the stranger to yell, so we could find her.

“Over here!”, the teens voice echoed. “Which floor are you on?”, So Hyun asked. “I don’t know! I can’t move!”, she yelled back. “What should we do? In a building this huge we can’t find her in such short time”, Jane huffed. “There are 50 floors here”, Jessica, a member of our group yelled from a far. “We’ll have to split up”, I said and everyone turned to me.

“OK so pair up everyone”, I ordered. There were 10 people all together and everyone started shuffling around. “I want to be with you miss”, the young boy, Casey said to So Hyun. “Me? Why me?”, she asked while pointing to herself. “You are cool and fight well”, he complimented her. “Uh… OK?”. Casey and So Hyun paired up.

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