Chapter : 17

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*Jason’s POV*

I was walking around the quite city with a rod in my hand. A mask covered my face and as for my arms and legs they were covered with extra clothing which I wrapped using an old shirt of mine.

While I was walking, a sound of footsteps were heard on my right. I turned to look at what made the sound, but saw nothing besides mist blocking my view. Thinking that it was my hallucination I ignored it and kept walking.

Once again the sound was heard and I was convinced that it wasn’t me hearing things. “Who is there?”, I asked, but no one answered. “I’m warning you, if you come any closer I’ll beat you with my stick”, I said with my shaky breath. The footsteps grew louder and louder until I was met with a body in front of me.

Thinking that it was an animal I swung my stick and hit it. “Ow!”, the animal spoke which sounded more like a human. “Who are you?”, I asked the mysterious person. “I’m Jake”, the person answered with his hand on his head and stepped in from of me.

I saw his face clearly and apologized for hitting him. “It’s okay. What’s your name?”, Jake asked. “Jason”, I answered. “Well, Jason, nice to meet you”, he said while lending out his hand for a shake. I accepted it with a smile before speaking. “Do you know what happened? Where is everyone?”.

“I don’t know, all I heard is that a crazy lab doctor was experimenting, but it went wrong and his experiment spread out across the city, turning people into zombies”, he explained. “But all the people have left the city, there’s no one here besides us…”, I trailed off once we heard a different sound.

We both jumped and turned around, our backs facing one another. “What was that?”, I asked. “It didn’t sound like an animal”, Jake said. “Is it the zombies that you spoke of earlier?”, I asked while gulping. “Probably?”, he said.

“Keep your eyes sharp and be ready to hit whatever comes in front of us”, he said and I nodded. We waited for the thing to show itself. After waiting for a while, a person walked towards us in a wobbly way. “It’s a man”, I said happily before walking towards him, but Jake held me back from approaching the man.

“He’s no longer a man”, he said. “What do you mean?”, I asked and he signaled me to look at the man closely. The man was dragging one of his foot and made a very inhumane growl. His face was covered with a black sticky substance while his body was pale and bruised with a few cuts, blood seeping out of his injuries.

“He looks awful”, I said. “He has turned into a zombie”, Jake said while moving a step back. “What should we do?”, I asked. “Don’t let him bite you anywhere. Keep his mouth away from you at all times, also beat him as hard as you can if he tries to attack you”, Jake said. “But I can’t beat him”, I said and looked down at my shaky hands.

“Jason, listen to me. The world has changed now, that person in front of us isn’t a man anymore, he’s a zombie and zombies aren’t good. He will try to kill you, so we must kill him first or do some minor damage just so we could buy some time to escape”, he said while putting his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m scared”, I said with teary eyes.
“Yeah, me too. But don’t worry, I won’t leave you. We’re partners now, we’ll beat him together”, he said with a smile and I wiped off my tear before smiling. “OK, let’s do this”, I said and we both marched towards the man who instantly ran at us.

Jake swung his bat and hit the man in the stomach while I hit him on his leg. The man made a high pitched sound and we both covered our ears. The man then punched Jake in the face and he fell. I ran to the man and gave him a hard blow on his back. The man fell right in front of Jake and began shaking.

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