Chapter : 8

31 4 9

*Jane’s POV*

There were 9 people in the group including me, 2 got injured with a few cuts and bruises while 1 got infected and turned into one of them. The remaining were alright.

After we left So Hyun with those monsters, I felt anxious. Suddenly the thought of my dream coming true started creeping me out.

Maybe I should help her.

As I had the thought I turned to go back. But before I could, someone grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks. I turned the other way and saw Jason looking at me seriously.

“What is it? Let me go”, I tried to get out of his strong hold. “Look, your friend… Uh… What was her name again?”, Jason asked. “So Hyun”. “Yeah, her. She told me to bring you along with me and take care of you”, he said.

“But I can’t just leave her, she’s the only one I’ve got”, I said as tears started building at the corner of my eyes.

Just then a sound of an explosion was heard. We all turned our heads towards the sound and saw a huge smoke far away. I fell on my knees and tears started pouring out uncontrollably.

No. Please be OK.

And as if a miracle, So Hyun came. She was covered with black smoke and sweat. I ran to her and hugged her as if my life depends on it. “Hey, I can’t breathe”, she said and I let her go.

“Don’t ever do that again, you gave me a heart attack!”, I smacked her arm. “I’ll keep that in mind”, she chuckled and looked at Jason with a smile. “Thanks for keeping your word”, she thanked while I looked at her confused.

“What do you mean? What did you tell him?”, I asked and Jason looked uneasy. “Nah, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it”, she said and I shrugged.

*30 Minutes Ago*
*So Hyun’s POV*

I held my crowbar in the air and hit it hard on the ground to get the attention those zombies. And to my surprise every single one of their heads moved in my direction. I gulped. “OK, I can do this”, after calming myself, the zombies ran towards me.

I pressed the button of the detonator and made a run for it.

Before beginning our journey to save survivors, Jane and I placed bombs near our apartment. Each on 8 sides of the building at the distance of 10 meters, incase of emergencies such as this.

As the button was pressed the bombs blew. I was close to the explosion, so the impact of the blow hit my back and I flew high. I landed hard on the ground. Slowly looking behind me I saw multiple zombies on fire.

They’re still not dead.

I sighed and hurriedly got up while running to the guys. My gut was telling me that Jane would want to turn back and help me.

I have to reach them before she comes to help.

To my surprise they weren’t that far and I caught up to them. I saw Jane on her knees, crying.

Oh, Jane.

*Present Time*
*So Hyun’s POV*

“So where are you guys heading now?”, Jason asked. “Don’t worry, we’ll find a decent house somewhere”, I said while looking around. “You sure? How about you guys come with us?”, he offered.

“Sur-”. “No thanks”, I cut Jane mid sentence and she looked at me while mouthing a ‘What?’. “Look, we can’t just simply trust you guys just because you took care of Jane up till now. What if you try to take us hostage? Or try some crazy experiments to see if we’re infected or worse?”, I stated.

“Oh, you’ve got the wrong idea. We’re nothing like that”, he waved his hands. “We actually look for survivors and let them stay at our base until the ship arrives”, he said. “Base?”, Jane asked.

“Yes, we live in a huge building or base you can say. And our leader or head, Jake, takes care of us until the ship arrives”, he  said in a  convincing manner, hoping we would agree.

“How far is this ‘Base’ of yours?”, I asked and Jane’s eyes lit up. “Not far, just a 2 days journey”, he said like it wasn't a big deal and both our eyes widened. “2 days?! How on earth did you guys make it here?”, Jane asked.

“Well it’s a normal routine now. We’ve traveled for 4-6 days as well”, he said while scratching his neck.

Jane moved closer to me and whispered.

“No wonder he’s so handso-”, I hit Jane in the stomach and she gave me a ‘What’ look. “Control Jane, control”, I whispered back before turning to face Jason. “Do you have room for 2 more?”, I asked and Jason smiled before leading the way.

We all started walking to where Jason and his crew live. We passed through the Naver Building and a few luxurious hotels, well they used to be. We were quiet for a while until Jason spoke.

“So mind telling me what YOU guys do? Or used to?”, he asked. “Oh, we also look for survivors. Same as you”, Jane answered. “Huh, you guys too. So the other day in the alley, was that you two?”, he asked with curiosity.

“Yeah, that was us. How did you know?”, I asked. “Well I remember your voices. ‘Over here stink face’, ‘I’m coming’”, he mimicked our voices and we laughed. “Wow, you were really close by”, Jane wowed.

“Yeah. Oh and the flare…”, he trailed off and I completed his sentence. “You lit that road flare?”. “Yeah, I did that. Was it of any help?”, he asked. “Well, it did make us happy at the thought that there are more survivors”, I replied. “Ah, that’s good then”, he nodded his head.

We have been walking for 4 hours now. Everyone was exhausted so we stopped by a grocery store. The store looked promising. Jane and I have been to stores like these, we can guarantee that the canned food isn't spoiled or the sealed snacks are infected with the virus.

*Jane’s POV*

“Hey, I’m going to check for some food”, I waved at So Hyun before going in the store. “Wait for me, I’m coming too”, Jason ran towards me. “Be careful you guys!”, So Hyun screamed from the other side.

Hey there,
Author here.

Hope you all are enjoying the story so far. English isn't my first language so, I apologize for any mistakes. Anyways, I wanted you all to know that the story will be on a temporary 'HIATUS' since my preliminary exams are starting from Wednesday. So I won't be able to post for a month.

Hope you understand.
I appreciate you reading my story.
I will see you soon.

(Note: Hunters will be the name of my amaJin readers)

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