Chapter : 19

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*Max’s POV*

“Are you sure you know where your going?”, I asked my buddy Wayne who clearly had gotten us lost. “I’m sure, we’re going the right way…”, he said while looking towards his right hesitantly.” You don’t know where we are, do you?”, I said with no emotion in my tone.

“Yeah, okay. I think we’re lost”, he said finally while scratching his head. Just as I heard his remark, my eyebrows furrowed and I was ready to scream at his face, I grabbed him by his collar and parted my lips to begin my nagging.

“I told you we were going right before! But no~you didn’t listen and got us lost! Do you have any idea where we are?! No! You don’t! We are clearly stranded in a desolate place where not even those hideous beasts are to be found let alone our friends! And-”, as I was about to nag more we heard a metal clank.

Instantly we both got into fighting formation and looked around. “Did you see anything?”, I asked and Wayne shook his head. “Stay sharp”, he ordered. I moved closer to where I thought I had heard the sound and found a bent rod on the ground.

“This… Something stepped on it, no?”, I asked Wayne who clearly seemed more serious than before. “It’s melted. Who could have done that?”, just then a low growl was heard. I dropped the metal rod and looked ahead.

We both moved back and waited for whatever made the sound, come forward. I couldn’t see what was in front of us because of the shadow of the building. “What should we do?”, Wayne asked. “We wait for it to come?”, I said not sure of what to do exactly.

The thing hiding in the shadows came forth, it was clearly scarier than the zombies we had seen in our time around here. The thing in front of us was just like the big zombies we fought in the hospital, but only they were different in color?

It was orange from head to toe and when it stepped on the ground, the place would heat up and the ground would sizzle, smoke would make its way through the sides of its feet. “What the heck is that?”, I asked. “How did they change? What happened to them?”, Wayne asked.

The zombie seemed to be looking in our direction, but didn’t move. “What is it planning to do?”, I asked and Wayne yelled. “The hell, man? How am I supposed to know? Do I seem like it’s mother? Do I look like I produced that non edible orange with legs and arms?”.

“Alright, alright calm down, bro”, while I was trying to calm my friend over here the zombie walked towards us and stopped just 2 meter infront of us. “Uh, Wayne?”, I called. “What?”, he said and looked in the direction I had my face turned to.

The zombie was glowing brighter than before and started vibrating. “Now what it’s up to?”, Wayne said frustratedly. The zombie opened its mouth and spat lava in our direction. We both ducked down and looked at where the spit was thrown and saw a light pole melting.

“It can do that?!”, I yelled. “How would I know!?”, Wayne yelled back. The zombie was doing the vibrating thing again. “Run!”, I yelled and we ran. The zombie stopped vibrating and ran behind us, due to its size it was a bit slower than us, so we had time to get away.

“Which way?”, I yelled to Wayne. “Uhhh...”, he started. “There’s no time to think!”, I yelled. “You lead if your so good at it!”, he yelled back. “Fine!”. The zombie spat another fire ball at us, the spit was about to hit me, but I managed to dodge it.
“Right!”, I ordered and we turned right, the zombie didn’t leave our tail and continued to follow us.

“Over there!”, I pointed at a building with no door. Wayne understood and nodded, just then the zombie spat once again and it hit my shoulder, due to the burn I fell to the ground.

“Max!”, Wayne called. “You okay?”, he asked while looking at my burnt shoulder. “Does it look like I’m fine?”, I gave him a glare before looking back. “It’s catching up, let’s go!”, I said while getting up. We reached the building and looked around to find a room.

“That one”, Wayne pointed and we made our way towards it, as he turned the door knob and pushed the door open, we saw 2 zombies in the room. Immediately Wayne slammed the door shut and we went to the other room.

The fire breathing zombie didn’t stop following us and had entered the building. “Hurry up”, I said impatiently while looking at the zombie. Wayne opened another door, this time there was 1 zombie in it. He slammed the door once again before speaking. “Let’s go to the roof!”.

We ran up the stairs and I gotta say it was not easy climbing the stairs when you have a 7 feet tall fire breathing zombie running after you, trying to boil your face off. Upon reaching the roof we closed the door behind us and panted.

“Will that keep it out?”, Wayne asked. “Nope”, I answered. We both sighed loudly and sat on the cold floor of the roof. “I guess this is the end”, Wayne said. “Yeah, it was nice knowing you, bud”, I continued. The door was now glowing and lava started seeping through the sides.

“I’ll meet you in the afterlife soon”, Wayne said and I nodded before we both closed our eyes and expected the zombie to barge out and march towards us, but nothing happened instead another sound was heard. “Survivors?”, I asked and Wayne shrugged.

*Wayne’s POV*

We stood up and moved away from the half melted door and immediately heard someone bang the door. We held our bat’s tight, ready to hit whatever comes in our way. Once the door was opened or broken down you can say, a crew of men came armed with guns and rocket launchers.

“You guys okay?”, a man asked in his deep, huskey voice. He was wearing a bulletproof vest around his body and had a pistol in one pocket while a knife was kept in the other pocket, he held a bigger gun in his hand.

“Who are you?”, I asked. “Oh, where are my manners? My name is Bruce Browns and I’m here to escort you to the ship”, the man said and lent his out for a shake. I looked at his hand then at him. “I see you don’t shake hands, that’s okay”, Bruce said while retreating his hand.

“Where’s the zombie?”, Max asked. “Yeah, it’s taken care of”, Bruce said and the crew behind him chuckled. “Alright, now it’s times to go. Your coming with us”, Bruce said. “We’re not going anywhere with you. We don’t even know who you are, we can’t trust you”, Max said.

“Your both stubborn”, Bruce said with a raised brow. “Let’s leave ‘em, Bruce. We can get many more people”, a guy from the crew said. Bruce slightly turned his head back before looking at me dead in the eye. “Very well then…”, he said while moving closer towards me before placing his hand on my shoulder. “Enjoy your stay here. I hope we meet again soon”, Bruce said with a creepy smile and his crew smirked wildly.

I eyed his crew then looked at the man in front of me before speaking. “I hope not”. “Tch”, Bruce kissed his teeth before signaling his men to move out. After they had gone, Max spoke. “They don’t seem friendly”.

“Yeah. ‘many more people’? What does he mean by that? They’re up to something and it’s not good”, I said. “Well, look on the bright side. We survived bro and I’m not going to be seeing you in the afterlife any sooner”, he said while putting his arms behind his head and closed his eyes.

I smacked his head and ran down the stairs. “Why you! Come back here! I swear when we get back to base I’ll feed you to the zombies!”, Max yelled while chasing me from behind.
Hi, Hunters!

Today's chapter is about the goofy and never serious, Max and Wayne. They both are great friends and I enjoyed writing about them.

Who's next? 🤔

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