Chapter : 25

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*Jane's POV*

"How's Mark's arm? He should be resting right now", I asked. "Yeah, it's getting better, and I've told him a hundred times to stay back, but he never listens", Jessica said while rolling her eyes.

*Wayne's POV*

"How's your shoulder?", I asked Max. "It's fine, but why are you asking?", Max asked with a raised brow. "Why? Can't I not ask?", I said with a hint of anger in my tone. "No, I mean... You don't ask me how I'm feeling, so I was just wondering why you asked", Max explained.

"Is it so wrong to ask you how your feeling?!", I yelled. "I didn't say that!", Max yelled back and our argument began.

*Mark's POV*

"Hey man, why do you keep looking at me like that?", Jake asked while putting his right arm around my shoulder. "Hands off, bro and explain", I said while shaking Jake's arm off my shoulder and crossed my arms. "Whoa, easy there tiger. There's nothing to explain", Jake said while shrugging his hands.

"Alright, then I'll ask and you answer. Seems fair?", I asked and he shrugged once again. "Why are you and Jason being distant from each other?". "That hard so soon?", he asked. "Yeah, what's the matter, cat got your tongue?", I asked while looking at him.

"Alright man, lemme tell ya. The thing is... There's nothing wrong, we just pulled off a prank", Jake said while clapping his hands like a little child.

"Nah, that's not it. Tell me honestly, what's going on?", I asked again. "Chill man, there's nothing going on between us...", Jake stopped in his tracks and waited for Jason to come close before wrapping his arm around his shoulder and spoke. "We're cool, right Jason", Jake said.

I looked at Jason and waited for his answer. "Yeah, sure", Jason said while removing Jake's arm. "You call him by his name whenever you're serious, which means you're still not telling me the truth", I said to Jake who opened his mouth to say something, but I spoke first.

"Don't bother, from this moment forth I won't listen to any of your explanations. You had your chance now face the enmity", I said and walked away not bothering to look back them.

*Jason's POV*

I can't believe it... I've lost Mark's trust in me... Its all because of... Jake! This is getting out of hand, I have to make sure So Hyun at least trusts me. I'm not in this with Jake, he's the bad guy here.

"Mind giving us a moment", I said while looking at Jake who seemed completely relaxed. "Sure man, whatever", he said and joined Mark. "So Hyun, remember I had to tell you something yesterday?", I asked and she nodded.

"Well, before I tell you, I wanna ask. Do you trust me, no matter what?". She thought for a while before meeting my gaze and opened her mouth, "I do, no matter what", she answered making me smile.

"So Hyun, whatever I'm going to tell you right now, please just know this, I'm not in this plan", I said making So Hyun furrow her eyebrows in confusion. "Ookay?", she gestured to continue and I began to tell her about the situation. She listened to each word closely and attentively.

After I finished, I waited for her to say something, but she just stayed quiet. "So Hyun...?", I called and she looked at me before smiling beautifully. "I believe you, Jason", she said making me smile back. I felt relaxed and relieved to have her by my side.

Just then we heard many screeches. We looked in the direction and saw a big group of zombies standing just 15 meters in front of our group. "Great, just great!", Brian yelled in frustration. "Keep quiet, if you don't wanna get eaten", Ben said not sparing a glance at the annoyed fellow.

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