Chapter : 27 [The Fight-I]

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*Jason’s POV*

I was walking down the quiet corridor and looked around to see if anyone’s here other than me. Thinking that the coast is clear I went in the room where Jake keeps his radio. The radio laid on the same table like it hadn’t moved for days.

I went towards the radio slowly and turned my head from left and right before picking it up. “Hello?”, I called and waited for a reply. Moments later a voice spoke. “Hello Sir, this is Captain Carl”, the voice said. “Hi, this is Jason”, I said.

“Oh, I’m afraid I don’t know you. Have we met before?”, he asked. “Yes, at the docks. Me and my companion would bring survivors”, I explained. “Ah, y-yes I r-remember”, he stuttered. “Are you okay?”, I asked. “Yes, I’m f-fine. Y-you are Sir Jake’s friend, aren’t you?”, he asked.

“Not anymore, I can’t explain right now. I’m in a bit of a tight situation here, so I’ll tell you this. You can trust me, alright? I’m not in Jake’s plan. I know you have been following their order’s and did the dirty work for them…”, I stopped and heard sobs from the other side of the radio.

“It’s okay, sir. Trust me, I’ll get you out of this nightmare”, I told. “Thank you, sir. How can I ever repay you?”, he asked. “Just put your trust in me, that’s all I ask for”, I said. “OK, so what you have to do is…”, I told the plan and he listened with full attention.

“You got it?”, I asked. “Yes, sir. I will surely be there on time”, the captain said before going offline. As I put the radio in its place I heard the door creak. I turned around and saw Jake leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

“What are you doing there, bud?”, he asked while walking closer to me, his arms now hanging on his sides. I stepped back and replied, “Nothing”. Before walking outside the room, but he stopped me in my tracks by his words. “You can’t escape from me”.

I poked my inner cheek with my tongue before leaving the room.

I walked down the stairs before reaching the hall and just as I entered, I saw all the people we had saved on their knees in the middle of the hall with Bruce and his armed goons standing around the group. Two guys came from either side of my body and grabbed me by my arms.

“Hey! Let me go!” I said while trying to get out of their hold. “Long time no see, eh?”, Bruce said with wide arms before clicking his teeth and the guards pulled me towards the people and forced me to sit down on the ground. My friends looked at me with confused gazes. “What’s going on?”, I whispered to Mark.

“Don’t know, but while we were packing our stuff, these guys busted in our room and brought us here”, he explained. “Hey you! Quiet down!”, a guy said while threatening with his gun. I looked around to find So Hyun, but didn’t see her.

“Where’s So Hyun?”, I asked Jessica who was sitting just beside Mark. “I haven’t seen her”, she said. Suddenly I had a weird feeling, but I tried my best not to show. The hall grew quiet and we heard a sound of footsteps coming from the stairs.

Everyone turned their gaze at the stairs and saw a figure coming with a gun in his hand while holding a person by the neck with his arm. I gasped, “So Hyun”. “Hello everyone. Did you miss me?”, Jake asked.

I gritted my teeth and was about to get up, but was stopped by a guard who pushed me back to the ground. “Hey Jason... Not so tough now, aren’t you?”, Jake said while looking at So Hyun. “Let her go. You want me right?”, I said.

“Where’s the fun in that?”, Jake laughed while looking at his men. “Ah right, before I forget. Let me introduce you to a friend of mine”, he said while moving to the side and another figure appeared behind him.

The figure approached closer into the light. My eyes widened ever so slightly as it was the same middle aged man we saw in the ship. “I see you remember him”, Jake said with a devilish smile on his face. “My name is-”, the new man was cut midsentence.

“Nobody cares!”, my friends chuckled at Ben’s remark while I glared at Jake. “Dip shit”, the man said and a guard went near Ben before forcing him on his feet and punched him in his stomach. Ben crouched due to the sudden pain, the guard pushed him to sit back.

“As I was saying, my name is Michael Barnes and I have come to tell you a news. You all will be transferred to the city, isn’t that great?”, Michael said with a smile that can easily fool anyone, but not me.

The people began whispering among themselves. “We’re being saved?”, a man asked. “Yes sir, you can enjoy living a normal life in the city now”, he said and people started to believe him.

“No! Don’t listen to them. They’re going to throw you in a lab and experiment on you. You’ll all be infected into something more horrible than the zombies!”, I tried to convince the people, but more whispers were heard.

“Hmm. There’s a party pooper among us. No matter, no matter. I’m sure you all are confused, but as you know the ship comes 3 times a year, this is the last time it’ll arrive. This is your chance to leave the city full of zombies and start a new living in the city full of normal people”, Michael tried to convince the people again.

“No! He’s lying, there’s no such freedom once you enter the ship. Come with us!”, I said and my friends began to persuade them. “He’s right! Jake is not to be trusted”, Jessica said. “You can live freely if you come with us”, Max said.

“Enough!”, Bruce yelled and shot a bullet in the ceiling. Everyone gasped and slowly quiet down. Jake began to laugh hysterically before speaking. “You really believe what he says?”, he asked. “He’s just trying to make you think that. He’s the one who’ll experiment on you”, Jake pointed at me with the gun.

People gasped and looked at me and my friends. “What?! No! I swear I’m not-”, I was interrupted by the sound of the ships siren. “Ah, I do love perfect timing”, Michael said. “Time to go”, Jake ordered his men to get everyone to the harbor.

More guards came and grabbed us, dragging us to the death zone. “What now?”, Mark asked. “Stick to the plan”, I said and everyone nodded. I kept looking at Jake once in a while to see what he’s doing to So Hyun, but so far he hadn’t laid a finger and told a guard to take her with the rest.

“Hey, you okay?”, I asked and So Hyun nodded. “Silence!”, the guard yelled and smacked my head. We walked for a while and the guards cleared the zombie filled path along the way. We reached the harbor and I looked at the ship to see the captain, but there was another guard there.

Good, everything’s going according to plan.
Hey, Hunter's!

So, this chapter will be divided into parts, I'm not sure how many though.

I just wanted to tell you that the story is coming to an end, maybe it'll last till 30 chapters max?

Thank you soo much for reading my book and thank you soo much for the votes.

I'm very happy that you found it entertaining. I'm going to write another story after this one. I haven't thought of the title yet, but I'm very excited.

Stay safe! 🤩

Enjoy! 💜

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