Chapter : 11- Part II

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No one's POV

Jason swung his hockey stick high in the air and hit the zombie on the back. Once its back was hit the stick broke into two pieces. Jason looked at his broken stick then at the zombie which turned around and hit Jason in the stomach. He flew across the room and fell on the lab tables. "Agh!", Jason groaned as he struggled to get up.

On the other side Jane was trying to wake up unconscious, Max. Jessica and Wayne seemed to be handling the zombie just fine on their own. Jason was regaining balance while So Hyun was distracting the zombie from attacking him any further. "How the hell did they get so big?!", So Hyun yelled in frustration and hit the zombie using a chair nearby with a missing leg. "I don't know", Jason grunted.

"Stay there Jason, your hurt", So Hyun demanded. "I'm fine", he said and stood beside her. Mark made his way to Jane and sat beside Max's bleeding body. "Will he be okay?", he asked Jane. "I'm not sure. He's not responding", she said with worry.

Jessica ran to the zombie and smashed a broken glass box on its head. The zombie seemed to be getting tired of all the fighting and started slowing down it movements. Wayne took the opportunity and hit the zombie in the stomach with his bat.

The creature spat out the virus. Both of them avoided the black substance by taking a step back. To their surprise the zombie stopped moving. "Is it giving up?", Wayne asked. "Not sure, but stay sharp", Jessica said.

Not sure of what the zombie was up to they remained in formation, waiting for a surprise attack, but the zombie didn't seem to care. It ran to the door and fled. Both of them sighed and sat down on the ground.

Sweat covered their foreheads and they breathed heavily. "I'm tired as hell", Jessica let out a heavy breath. "I want a break", Wayne complained. While they were complaining about various things, So Hyun and Jason were having a hard time.

Jason was already hit hard while So Hyun had worn out from all the dodging and hitting. Since she had dealt with the zombies before and didn't have rest, she was growing tired. But didn't care and kept striking the zombie whenever she had the chance.

Unlike the other zombie which had ran away due to its tiredness this one seemed stubborn. It just wouldn't give up and continued spreading chaos, giving them a hard time keeping up with its pace. Jason had enough of this hunk of junk and threw a centrifuge at it making it turn towards him.

"Jason, are you mad?!", So Hyun yelled as she was concerned for him. But Jason didn't answer and kept throwing things. Apparently everything he could find was thrown at the zombie. So Hyun looked at him and his actions with a frown, completely oblivious of his plans.

She then noticed him leaving the room and the zombie following behind. Thinking that it's dangerous to leave him alone with a 4 foot taller creature trying to kill him, she followed him outside.

While Jason and So Hyun went out, Jane and Mark tried their best to wake up Max. "Wake up sleeping beauty. Your prince won't come to give you a kiss, you'll have to get up yourself", Wayne said and Jane looked at him with a mix of a disgusted and confused expression.

"Don't mind them, they're like that and a whole lot crazier", Jessica shook her head and had a relaxed expression as if it was normal they goof around. "Seems like they have a good friendship", Jane smiled and looked around.

"Where's Jason and So Hyun?", Jane panicked. "They drove the zombie out. Didn't you see them?". "I was so into waking Max up I didn't realize they were gone. Look out for them will you? I'll be back", Jessica nodded and Jane went out.

Once Jane came running out of the building she saw So Hyun standing in front of her. She was watching Jason trying to lead the zombie far away. "So Hyun?", Jane called to her and she turned around. "What are you doing here? Did Max wake up?", So Hyun asked. "Not yet", Jane sighed.

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