Chapter : 31

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*Michael’s POV*

I reached the office and parked my car in the parking lot before getting out and slammed the door shut real hard. I stormed into the building and reached my office. I saw Bob stand in an instant, opening his mouth to say something, but closed it immediately, sat back on his seat and continued to work.

I threw my bag on the chair and went towards Sam’s cubicle, slammed my hand on his table and spoke, “What’s you’re problem?”. “I don’t know what you’re talking about”, he said while looking at his books before shifting his gaze at the computer screen.

“Acting like you did nothing, huh? Fine, I’ll ask you. Where are my documents?”, I asked and he closed the book in his hands before looking at me with crossed arms. “How would I know?”, he counter questioned. “I know what you did!”, I said a bit loudly.

“Alright, I admit I stole your documents, so what? Why are crying about it?”, he shrugged. “Didn’t you’re parents ever tell you to not steal from others?”, I said sarcastically. “Did they?”, he asked. “Stop messing around and give them back”, I put my hand out and waited for him to hand me my files.

“What if I say I don’t have them?”, he shrugged again and I had about enough of him. I grabbed him by the collar and he got on his feet, I raised my fist, ready to punch him in the face. Bob came towards me and grabbed my arm before speaking, “Michael, stop”.

“Let me go, Bob. I really want to punch that smug off his face”, I gritted my teeth and before I could fulfill my wish, the doors of our office opened, revealing Mr. Jones and the rest of the men who were there in the meeting the other day.

He looked at the scene with wide eyes before speaking, “Are you kids? This is a work place, you know better than anyone to not cause a scene”. “Sir!”, I let go of Sam’s collar and faced Mr. Jones. “Sam stole my documents about ‘OCA’. That was my idea and he stole them, claiming them as his”, I told while pointing at Sam.

Mr. Jones looked at Sam then at me before looking at Sam and spoke, “Is this true?”, he asked Sam. “No, sir. I would never do such a thing!”, Sam said while waving his hands dramatically and his expressions grew uglier by the minute.

“Michael, just because I didn’t listen to your presentation yesterday, does not mean that you can go around accusing people for stealing your idea which you clearly didn’t have!”, Mr. Jones scolded me, but I didn’t stop explaining. “Sir, he clearly had told me right now that he stole my documents. Bob was here too, he heard it as well!”, I said while looking at Bob who nodded.

“Enough! Both of you are fired!”, Mr. Jones yelled. I looked at him with sad eyes before speaking, “Sir… I can’t just go like this. You can check the CCTV footage, then you’ll know I wasn’t lying. Sir please, I know you don’t like me, but please don’t do this. I have already disappointed my wife as it is, please. I can’t face her again if I go home like this!”, I got down to my knees as tears made their way down my cheeks.

“I said what I said. You’re both fired! Get out of my sight!”, he yelled once again. “Sir, at least don’t fire Bob, he didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me who you want gone, please let him continue his work”, I pleaded, but Mr. Jones turned his back on me and went out of the room.

I stayed there on my knees, my face covered with tears and more proceeding to fall. Bob crouched down and hugged me. “I’m sorry”, he said. “Bob… What have I done wrong? Why does everyone hate me?”, I asked. “No, don’t say that. No one hates you, it’s just him who isn’t fond of you. This is non of your fault, don’t blame yourself”, he said comforting words, but I felt empty, nothing seemed to comfort me anymore.

I had promised my wife that I’ll bring the good news, and now look at me. Sitting on the floor, crying like a baby, scared of what horrors I might face once I reach home with the news. I sighed and got on my feet and glared at Sam before speaking, “I’ll take care of you myself”. I went to grab my bag and put my stuff in a box before placing my bag in it and went out of the office.

I got out of the building and went in my car, put my stuff on the passenger seat and sat on the driver’s seat. “I’m a failure”, I sighed and hit the steering wheel hard before crossing my arms against it, putting my head in between my arms. After I found a little courage, I decided to go home and explain what happened.

I reached home and stood in front of the door, hesitant to ring the door bell, but managed to push the button in, with the sound of the bell ringing I took a deep breath. My wife opened the door and had a shocked expression on her face. “Wow, I didn’t expect to see you here early”, she said with a smile.

“Yeah, surprise”, I smiled back and went in. I put my bag on the sofa and held her hands in mine before speaking, “Emma… I… There’s something I want to tell you”, I said and she seemed confused but nodded and gestured for me to continue. “I… I got fired...”, I waited to see her reaction and she seemed different.

This was the first time in my life that I ever saw her like this. I couldn’t decipher her expression, so I stayed quiet and waited for her to speak. “Michael… I think it’s time to stop. I can’t go on like this with you coming back home, bringing bad news each time…”, she told and stopped before continuing.

“I have given you many chances, before sleeping at night I would always tell myself that you can do it, you’ll get it next time, you will bring the good news soon. But now I’m starting to feel like that’ll never happen. Michael I want a divorce, I can’t do this anymore”, she said and my heart shattered into a million pieces.

“Emma, let me explain-”, she cut me off and yelled, “Michael I said it’s enough! How long will you keep saying the same thing over and over when you don’t even keep your promise! Forget it Michael, we’re done! I’ve had enough of this, it’s time for you to move on without me!”.

I was so heart broken at that moment. It’s true I had been a jerk and didn’t keep my promise, she has all the right to be mad at me. I can’t believe she had been bottling up her emotions all this time and smiled through the pain.

How could I never notice she was going through such a hard time? What kind of a husband am I?

“Emma, I’m sorry”. “Sorry isn’t going to help Michael! I’ve said it we’re done, I’m leaving this house and taking my kids with me”, she said and stormed off to our room. I couldn’t process what was happening. First my boss didn’t care to see my presentation, Sam stole my files and now… I’m getting a divorce.

All I wanted was to be accepted by everyone, get praised for my excellent work, but I guess that’s never going to happen.



LIKE... *speechless*



To some of you who have confusions :

Michael is actually a bad guy, obviously villains are good at first, but due to some misunderstandings, they get all evil. So, this is just his past of what he's been through.

Anyways, Enjoy! 💜

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