Chapter 3- The Montgomery Banquet

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~Dream's POV~

"I'm in," George said, clicking away on his screen.

"What do we got?" I asked, heading over to his little station. I leaned over his chair and stared at the array of screens in front of him which were now displaying the various security cameras in and around the estate.

"Basically... everything," George admitted. I clapped him on the back before pushing off his desk and heading back to Bad.

"What's next?" Sapnap asked.

"Next, we have to go get suits," Bad piped up. We all turned toward him. "Guys, it's a black tie silent auction. We're not going to walk in there in a sweatshirt and jeans." Sapnap and George groaned.

"Last time I wore a suit in the field, it caught on fire," Sapnap complained.

"And whose fault is that?" George replied. The boys started arguing, but I just removed myself and messaged our tailor. He said the suits were all ready for us. I breathed a sigh of relief for the fact that we didn't have one more thing to do, and by the time I zoned back in, the argument had died down.

"Whatever, at least I actually contribute to the group," George snapped. Okay, I guess not.

"Hey, cut it out," I interrupted. "We've got a metric fuckton of things to do and only two days to do it."

"Okay, Daddy Dream," Sapnap joked. I rolled my eyes at the persistent nickname. "Gonna rally the team with your massive-"

"Enough," I barked, turning serious. He stopped, but still had that dumb smile on his face.

"You guys are weird," Bad muttered, returning his attention to a second knife.

~Y/n's POV~

We finished everything we needed to do before the banquet in the flurry that was the past three days. I think we had gone over the plan of attack 6 times in the last 2 hours.

"And if we do come in contact with the Dream Team-"

"Get everything you can out of them and report back. We know Niki," Puffy said from the bathroom.

"I'm sorry. I just want to be prepared."

"It's okay Niki, we understand," I said, shooting Puffy a glare as I applied my eyeliner. She stuck her tongue out at me in response.

"Uh guys, where's my stiletto knife?" Hannah called. I heard a few things bang around in the main room. I glanced down at Puffy again. She sighed and produced a tiny knife from her hair.

"What? It's fun to mess with the geek." I rolled my eyes and threw it out the bathroom door.

"On the floor outside the bathroom, Hannah," I called. She huffed, and walked over to pick it up.

"Puffy, you ass!"


"You already have enough!"

"Can we just get through this assignment without you two trying to kill each other?" Niki asked.

"No promises..."

"Alright guys, come on. I would like to be back at HQ before the weekend is over." All three girls looked at me.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Puffy asked. "You're usually..."

"Usually what?"

"I don't know... more chill on assignments like these."

"Yeah, what happened to the whole competition thing?" Hannah added, seemingly genuinely concerned. I sighed.

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