Chapter 19- Going In

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cw: murder

On Wednesday, our entire squad met at mission control for our new assignment. I sat next to Dream at the table, and Rocky tossed us all a fresh manila folder.

"Alright ladies and gents, you've got yourselves a good one this week," she began, rocking back and forth in her own chair. "An undercover mission to Mason, Ohio to retrieve 270 thousand dollars of cash money from quite possibly one of the baddest dudes out there, Mr. Leo Geovanni."

"Sounds like a name straight out of a shitty fanfic," Puffy remarked.

"Well, the Italian mafia is a great inspiration for mafia fics," I replied.

"Indeed it is," Rocky said, "I need you eight to sneak in, get the money and get out. Should be pretty simple."

"The catch?" Bad asked.

"The catch is that they're ruthless. If you get caught, you're probably done for."

"So don't get caught," Dream said, "Simple enough."

"Yeah, until you realize that they know pretty much everything you know. They were trained like you. They will figure out who you are and what your weaknesses are." Rocky sat up and leaned her elbows on the table. "I need you guys to be careful. The 6 were trained to self destruct, but these guys will take you out in any way they can."

"We got it, Rock," I said. She took a shaky breath.

"These guys are dangerous. Just... don't die." She looked like she was about to cry. Sapnap reached over and patted her arm.

"When do you want the money back by?" he asked.

"As soon as possible. Boss knows how tough these guys are, so there's no deadline." I cleared my throat.

"Alright, we'll check in-"

"Hell yeah you will, daily," Rocky interrupted.

"Sure, whatever you want."

"Alright, go to Max. He's got something real special for this one."

"Aye aye, captain."

We headed towards Max in a big clump, all talking together about our upcoming... adventure.

"Rocky seems super worried," George pointed out.

"I mean, it is the Italian mafia," Niki said, "You should always be worried about them."

"It just seems a little weird, you know?" Hannah added. "I mean, Mason, Ohio? What kind of Italian mafia sets up camp in Ohio?"

"Who knows," I mumbled as the rest of the group continued their conversation. Dream was standing particularly close to me, and his fingers began to graze the back of my arm as we walked.

"Need something?" I asked.

"No," he replied softly. He just continued to brush his fingers against me.

When we walked in to see Max, he was pretty much all ready for us.

"How are we doing today?" he asked as he placed an obscure article of clothing on a rack.

"Pretty good, Maxy," Sapnap replied. After a brief conversation, we were handed our mission gear. My getup was an all black bodysuit, which I was definitely going to look so good in. It was sleek and skin tight, but I was sure it would be one of the most comfortable articles of clothing I would ever wear. It also came with black cargo pants, which were practically my specialty.

Each of the girls got a bodysuit and pants, and the boys were given black, skin tight long sleeved tshirts and identical black cargo pants with room for a multitude of weapons.

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