Chapter 22- Seeing Stars

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1K reads is pretty gnarly!!! thank you all so much for reading my dumb fic lol

keep on being swag money :)

The next couple of days were... interesting to say the least. I made up with Rocky as soon as possible, so we were on good terms again. My hand was taking its sweet time healing, though, and I was reminded of just how bad it was every time I wanted to make a bagel (making bagels one handed is not fun).

Dream and I were basically inseparable, and I really got to know him. Apparently, he hates heights.

Soon enough, Halloween came around, and I couldn't be more excited. We here at LMBG go all out on Halloween.

"So," I began one day as the girls and I were eating breakfast, "what's the costume idea this year?"

"Depends," Puffy replied, shoving a spoonful of eggs into her mouth, "are we going for sexy or funny?"

"Well, seeing as how y/n has a boyfriend now-"

"Uh, that fact does not hinder my costume-ness," I interrupted. The girls nodded along.

"Alright, so epic group costume ideas..." Niki wondered aloud. "M&Ms?"

"A decent choice, anything else?"

"Different album covers of a band?" Hannah proposed.

"We could dress up as the boys," Puffy said. I chuckled.

"How so?"

"Well, you could dress up like Dream, Sapnap and I are pretty similar."

"I could dress up as George," Hannah said, "and I know for a fact that Niki has a black and red getup." We all started laughing deviously.

"This is the perfect plan."

We spent the whole next week gathering supplies and clothes. My biggest issue was making a mask. I decided instead of going for the full face covering, I would make a mini version, attach it to a strap, and position it somewhere on the side of my forehead. Functional and fab, if you will.

Next, it was time to decorate my room and the commons. There were orange, black, and purple streamers everywhere, little posters and cardboard cutouts of ghosts, pumpkins, and monsters; it was adorable by the time I was finished. My room was a little more personalized, with spiderwebs on the ceiling, bat and pumpkin-shaped string lights hanging everywhere, and tissue paper over my lights to give off a dim, colored light in my room. It was pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

As I was struggling to hang up the last of my spiderwebs, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I called out, almost stumbling off my bed.

"Woah, you okay?" Dream's voice came from the doorway.

"Yeah, just trying to-" I threw the web towards the hook as a last resort, and we both watched as it failed to catch. I groaned. "-hook this up." Dream chuckled under his breath.

"Need some help?" I crossed my arms and huffed in his general direction. He was wearing his mask, but I could tell he was grinning at me.

"No, I'll get it." I reached over and grabbed the edge of the web again. I threw it, and it missed terribly. "Alright, fine." Dream shook his head, and then he was climbing up onto my bed. He hooked it up first try. "I'm..." Dream giggled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me up against him.

"It's okay, baby. Some people are just better than others." I slapped his arm, but we were both laughing.

"I'm sorry you're freakishly tall. Your neck must be sore from looking down at everyone all the time." Dream rocked us back and forth, his head hooking over my shoulder.

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