Chapter 7- The Boss' Bitch

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~Dream's POV~

"You're not serious..."

"Afraid so. If you can't complete assignments, I'm either gonna have to pair you up with another squad, or you can work locally until you get better."

"We we're doing fine, it was just-"

"No excuses, Clay. And getting your face plastered all over the news? With that chick from the opposing team? Do better." I bowed my head.

"Yes sir."

I left the office as quickly as I could, wanting to get back to my room and hide.

"Hey Dream, wait up!" someone called. So much for being quick. I turned around to find one of our youngest members, Tommy, run towards me.

"Hey Tommy," I said.

"Can I talk to you a minute? There's no one else around, and I-"

"Yeah, sure," I interrupted. I could see his shoulders relax, and then I was following him back down the hallway.

He led me to the gym, and a couple other guys were hanging around, talking in low voices.

"What happened?" I asked, suddenly nervous.

"Are we getting relocated?" Tommy asked. I scoffed.

"What are you talking about?"

"We heard that since the last couple of assignments haven't been going well, they were going to combine a few groups together," one of the other kids, Toby, I think, replied. I raised my eyebrows.

"Where did you guys hear this?"

"Heard the Boss talking a couple days ago outside his office," Tommy said, a smug look spreading across his face. That nosy little kid. God love 'em.

"I don't know anything about it yet, but I'm sure they'll make an announcement when something's official."

"Oh, okay. Thanks Dream." I nodded to them and left the gym. I made a beeline for my room, pulling out my phone in the process. I dialed up the first person I thought of.

"Aw, are you that dumb or did you come back for more?"

"Shut up, y/n, there's actually a reason for this."

"You mean you don't call up your rivals for chit chat every Sunday afternoon?" I surpressed a smile, unlocking my room.

"Nope, that's just you. There's something going on around here."

"I kind of got the feeling. What's up?" Y/n asked, suddenly totally serious.

"We might be merging." Silence. "Y/n?"

"Yeah, I heard you."

"Well? Have you heard anything about it?" She cleared her throat.

"Uh, no. But the boss' son is here. That might have something to do with it." I groaned.

"God, I hate mergers."

"You've never experienced a merger. How would you know?"

"Seems like something everyone would hate," I replied, kicking off my shoes and splaying out on my bed.

"Yeah..." There was a loud bang and a hiss from y/n.

"You alright there?"

"Yeah sorry. Just... dropped my laptop on my foot." I let out a small chuckle.

"How you haven't managed to shoot yourself by accident is a mystery to me."

"At least I can shoot," she replied, "Mr. Wiff." That earned a wheeze. "Easy there, sparky. Don't wanna have to deal with a merger and a collapsed lung." I just laughed harder until she finally joined me.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" she asked once we had calmed down.


"We're you being real yesterday? At the banquet I mean." I quirked an eyebrow, even though she couldn't see me.

"Which part?"

"All of it." I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Everything I told you while we were dancing was true, yes." The other end of the call was quiet. "We're you being real?"

"Yeah, I was." Now we were both quiet. I waited a few second before talking again.

"So, if we do-"

"Shut up." Y/n interrupted. There was a soft noise, and then I heard a door open. I didn't speak.

"Hey y/n," I heard. This can't be good. "So how about that celebration we talked about?" The other voice was a man, and he sounded... creepy.

"Uh, I thought I told you that I was busy."

"You don't look busy."

"You wouldn't know, Mr. I Don't Do Work, But My Mommy Loves Me Anyway." The man chuckled.

"Oh, come on. We both know that this job isn't that hard anyway. I can do anything you can do, and probably ten times better-" The sound of a gun cocking interrupted him. Oh lord.

"You wanna try that again?" Y/n asked.

"I said I can do anything you can do, and better." I could practically hear y/n's growl, and I could definitely picture the look on her face.

"Don't test me, Ethan. You're in my territory now. Being the boss' bitch isn't going to get you anywhere here."

"You seriously underestimate me, y/n."

"You're right. I seriously underestimated how stupid you were. Now get out of my room before I shoot you between your eyes and call it an accident." There's the y/n I know.

"Alright, alright." There were receding footsteps and the sound of a door opening again. "You're not gonna get away with threatening me."

"Nope, I'll be auplauded for it. Now get out." Get his ass, y/n. The door closed, and then there was a few seconds of quiet.

"Hey sorry."

"Who's Ethan?" I asked.

"My ex," Y/n responded bluntly. I heard her fidget with her gun.

"Your ex?" Y/n chuckled.

"What, jealous?" I scoffed.

"No, just surprised. Didn't know you dated the 'boss' bitch.'"

"Well, believe me, it was not a good decision. He's an ass."

"Sounds like it. At least he didn't threaten your girls."

"There would've been blood." We both laughed.

"So, do you really think we're merging?" I asked.

"I got no idea. But if we do, that doesn't mean I'm going easy on you."

"If we merge, we'd be on the same team..."

"Doesn't mean no more competition. Gotta assert my dominance."

"You do that." There was a slight knock on my door. I immediately recognized it as George. "Hey got to bounce. Keep me posted."

"No." I chuckled.

"See ya," I said, standing up.

"Toodles, beta male." The call ended, and I opened the door.

"Bad news," George said.

"What now?"

"Boss wants a word with us. All of us."

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