Chapter 27- He Doesn't Look So Bad

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It's typically frowned upon to leave an assignment before completing or failing it. I, however, couldn't give a flying fuck.

I sped to the airport, keeping a solid speed of 102 the entire way. The only thing going through my head was:

Get back home.

I pulled up in my rented Honda Civic, threw the door open, and dashed up to the crew's office. I didn't even bother stopping back at the hotel.

"Jack!" I yelled. They should all still be here. It was only... 8:23pm. "Jack!" A familiar head of mousy brown hair popped out from behind the office door.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? Are you done?"

"I need to get back to LMBG. Now." I stared him down, hopefully conveying the message of confidential urgency.

"Oh- okay. Let's get the plane ready."

I was able to breathe properly for the first time in an hour and a half when they finally allowed me in the cabin. My foot was bouncing in anxiety, and my elbows were leaning on my knees. Everything's okay, I had to keep telling myself, even if I knew it was a lie. Hearing it in my head was enough to keep me from going insane with the thought that Dream could be-


No y/n.

I gagged. I got the sickening feeling that I was swallowing my tongue, and I knew I was gonna hurl. I booked it to the bathroom and swung the toilet seat up just in time.

The acidic taste in my mouth lasted the whole plane ride.

As soon as the seat belt light flicked off, I was out of my seat and at the door. I didn't care how high the drop was; I needed off this plane.

The door hummed, and then I was able to lift it up just enough to sneak through (it was incredibly heavy holy shit). I didn't even look down before dropping to the ground, which was actually a lot further than I was expecting. My ankles stung, but I took off running to the hospital wing, brain quiet for once.

The entire squad was sitting on the floor in the hallway, backs pressed up against both walls. I stopped running as soon as I saw them, and their heads perked up.

"Oh god," I whispered. Sapnap looked like a wreck. He stood up to meet me, and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. He let out a whimper as we collided, hugging me as tight as he could manage. "Sap?" I whispered. He just squeezed me in response.

When he finally let me go, there were tear tracks on his cheeks.

"What happened?" I finally asked, heart in my throat.

"I'm not sure if it was foul play or if he just messed up seriously," George began, "but he showed up at the hangar covered in blood. He looked about ready to fall over."

"Is he in there?" I asked, mind starting to race again. All Niki had to do was nod, and I was shoving my way through the doors.

There were three people in white coats bustling around the room, all attending one bed. I walked towards them slowly, not wanting to get in their way, but desperately needing to see the damage.

"Dream?" I whispered to myself. I got close enough to see a bloody hand through the coats, and my breathing stopped momentarily. "Hey," I managed a little louder.

No one looked up.

"Hey!" I yelled this time, but my voice wobbled.

"You need to leave," one of the doctors said, not even looking up.

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