Chapter 24- Room 419

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cw: blood, inflicting pain

"What did you do?"

I didn't even bother waiting for an answer as I slammed the door of the office shut behind me. I stormed over to the desk and slammed my hands down onto it, staring right at Boss.

"Why did you kill him?"

"Kill who, dear?" she asked calmly. I stared Boss down, practically growling.

"Don't play these games with me." Boss sighed, leaning back in her chair.

"Are you talking about Tommy?" I just glared at her. "He was disobedient."

"Are you kidding?" I scoffed, "everyone here is disobedient-"

"Not to his level."

"He was a teenager. Teenagers are supposed to be disobedient."


"No!" I was yelling now, unable to keep a level head. "You can't go around killing people-" Boss cut me off by standing up, putting her eye level equal to mine.

"You do not get to make that decision," she said.

"You hurt people, my friends, my family. Why? Because you couldn't handle a single teenager?"

"This is my facility," Boss commanded. "I make the calls, I choose who gets to be here and who doesn't."

"That comes with a responsibility to make rational decisions!" I argued. "Killing kids who disagree with you isn't rational!"

"Enough!" Boss screamed. I kept my face neutral, and I didn't move a muscle.

"If you're going to question my authority, I'll show you exactly what I can do to you." Boss sat down at her desk and folded her hands.

"You are to report to the interrogation room immediately. The team will be waiting for you." My face dropped.


"You'll be interrogating our newest subject," she said with a sickening grin. I shook my head and pushed off her desk.


"You want to defy me? After everything?" I gulped, not caring how scared I looked. I was terrified. Boss just smiled.

"Lani's waiting. Better get going."

I left the room before I could dig myself a larger grave.

The first thing I did was run to the dorms. It was late in the evening, nearing 8pm, so I knew everyone would be hanging around, not really doing anything. I needed to talk to my girls. And maybe Dream.

I raced into the common to find the whole squad sitting around playing a relaxing game of poker. As I passed through the doorway, Dream and Niki glanced up at me.

"What happened?" Niki asked, throwing her cards down and immediately walking over to me. I couldn't speak. My throat was closing up from holding back tears. Niki wrapped her arms around me as soon as she was close enough to reach, and I heard the shuffling of people standing up from the couch.

"Talk to me," Niki whispered, rubbing my back.

"I-" I swallowed. I looked past Niki, and my eyes met Dream's.

"She killed him for being disobedient," I whispered. Everyone went quiet. I tried taking a breath in, but it got caught in my throat, causing me to hiccup. "He died because he was being a teenager!" I managed as the tears started flowing down my cheeks and onto Niki's shoulder. She squeezed her arms impossibly tight, and I squeezed her back, holding on as I heaved out the trapped breaths in my chest.

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