Chapter 29- Some Serious Deja Vu

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yooooooo sorry for the long delay, writer's block is a bitch. thank you so much for 2.5K tho, holy balls!

a/n: homegirl won't get pregnant. she's probably got the implant or an IUD or something


yes my love?

first of all, ew

second of all, i found something

that's never a good sign

what did you find

it's in my room...

ur gonna have to come and see for yourself...

i have to what now and see for myself??




unless... 👀

we had sex like 7 hours ago

but i'm On my way!

ong it auto corrected


you seem a little, dare i say


mr. Dream Boat

you know how much i secretly like you calling me that

so stop 😡

but also don't :)

come see me i'm lonely


don't want ur gorlfriend to get all sad now do you

ok gru

im literally ten feet from your door

I didn't bother moving from my sprawled out position on my bed, one leg over the comforter and an arm behind my head. I did, however, perk up when I heard a knock on my door just seconds after the last text was sent.

"Housekeeping!" Dream called, pitching his voice up as high as it could go. I chuckled.

"No thanks," I replied. Dream came in anyway, a big ol' smile already on his face.

"Dude, it's like 7," he said, slowly walking towards me. I sighed.

"It's a quiet day here in LMBG." Dream grunted in response as he climbed onto my bed, flopping directly on top of me. He immediately stuffed his face into my neck and took a deep breath.

"What'd you find?" he asked, words muffled. I had to chuckle.

"Oh, I didn't actually find anything. I just wanted to see you." Dream hummed.

"I see." Before I could speak again, Dream was sucking a bruise into my skin. I couldn't help but let a small moan out, tilting my head to give him more room.

When Dream pulled off, he was grinning.

"Yeah? You proud of yourself, big man?" I asked, cupping his face.

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