Chapter 39- Marble Floors and Swimming Pools

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I don't know why I was surprised, but BLDS was prettier than I'd imagined.

I always knew it was the largest running facility and had a reputation of producing cold, distant field agents, but I was not expecting the marble or stained glass windows. The place looked more like a high-end spa than a facility.

We were escorted in by Sam, who greeted every man he came across. By the time we got past the door guards, the security check, and the secondary security check, the sound of his voice made my eyebrow twitch. Eventually, we made it through the screenings and found ourselves in a lobby bigger than our entire house.

I leaned in towards Dream, who was taking it all in silently. "What the hell have we gotten ourselves into?"

"I don't know, but if they hand me a glass of lemon water, I'm out." I smiled, and Sam stopped walking, turning around to face us.

"This is it, BLDS," he said, presenting the room to us. "Any questions?"

"Yeah, why the hell do you have a fountain?" Sapnap asked. I turned to where he was pointing, and sure enough, there was a beautiful black fountain spraying water ten feet into the air.

"Same reason we have marble floors- we bought it."

"This is nicer than that ski resort in Colorado," Puffy murmured.

"If you're trying to impress us with your money, don't bother," Dream snapped, crossing his arms.

Sam shrugged. "I won't waste your time. I'll show you where you'll be staying, then you all have a meeting with the agent coordinator." He began walking away, and we all followed, if reluctantly.

The dorms were at the far end of the facility, which meant it was a three minute walk from the lobby. All the way there, I was scanning every door and hallway, as I'm sure everyone else was doing too. The white walls turned dark blue, and soon enough, wooden doors with small gold number plates on them began to line the walls.

"There are three floors of dorms," Sam explained. "You'll be staying on the third." He pushed open a blank door that led to an empty stairwell, and we followed him up.

"Rooms 3222 through 3230 are yours." Sam stopped in front of them. "Now, I have some people to see. You all need to report to the West wing to see the agent coordinator. I trust you'll get there yourselves." No one spoke as Sam started back towards the stairwell. Before he went back down, he turned back to us.

"Oh, and if you do anything stupid, I'll kill you." He flashed a smile, then disappeared.

Five seconds passed as the group took it all in.

"Man," Hannah said, "I hate that guy." Mumbles of agreement followed, then Bad spoke up.

"Uh, guys? You need to see this." I glanced towards him and saw that he'd opened one of the doors, and we followed him inside.

"Holy mother of god."

The room was beautiful. It had all the essentials, yes, but everything felt too gorgeous to touch. A king sized bed sat in the middle of the room against the far wall, not a single wrinkle on the brown and blue sheets. Across from it, a flatscreen TV was embedded into the wall above a wooden dresser. A desk sat beside it, and past that was a kitchenette with a full sized fridge and electric stove. I assumed the second door to our right led to a bathroom that was just as stunning.

"This is a whole fucking apartment," Puffy noted, running her hand along the bed. "I'd never leave if I wasn't scared shitless of this place."

"I hate to admit it," George said, "but this is so much nicer than LMBG or DSMP."

"God, I hate rich people."

"I can't look at this place any longer," Niki muttered, turning away and facing the door.

"Let's just go find the agent coordinator," I suggested. "We'll be back later to lay our claims."

"Oh geez," Sapnap shouted. We all turned as he walked out of the bathroom. "That's a damn swimming pool, not a bathtub."

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was," Dream added.

"Come on, let's go."

The West wing was easy enough to find, and after following the signs hanging on the walls and taking several wrong turns, we found the agent coordinator's office.

"Charles Slimecicle, Agent Coordinator and Advisor," I read off the plaque next to the double doors of the office.

"He doesn't sound like a douchebag at least," Sapnap offered.

"Let's hope not." Dream raised his fist to the door and knocked three times. I held my breath until I heard shuffling from inside and the doors swung open.

A man stood in front of us, his hands still on the door handles. He wore a pair of wire-framed glasses, a white button down shirt with two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black dress pants, and brown leather shoes. He looked at each of our faces in turn, slowly, then grinned.

"Welcome to BLDS!" he exclaimed. His voice was not at all what I'd imagined it sounding like. "Please, come in. Make yourselves comfortable." He stepped aside so we could pass, motioning into his office. When no one moved, he chuckled. "Oh, come on. I won't bite." I glanced at Niki before taking a step forward, and the rest of the group followed.

Charles let us all in before closing and locking the door behind us. 

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