Chapter 33- Too Much Blood

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Most adults can withstand a total blood loss of about 14% before starting to feel lightheaded. Once you lose about 15-30%, you get nauseous, and your heart and respiratory rates increase. Things begin to become a little more complicated when you lose 30-40%. That's where I seem to be at the moment.

I couldn't even lift my head off of my shoulder.

Do not pass out. That is how you die.

His hands were on me again. I tried to shrink away, but I couldn't move.

I had to open my eyes; I had to make sure that Chrys was still alive. So, despite my entire body fighting against it, I forced my eyes open, preparing myself to fight.

But what I saw in front of me was not the man who had been slowly killing me and my sister. His hands weren't holding me down as I bled out, they weren't forcing me to look at my sister as she was cut up, knowing I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. These hands were cautious, barely grazing across my skin.

"Hey," Dream whispered, "come on. Wake up." I opened my eyes a little more, and he smiled. He smiled, and every ounce of fear I had melted away. "There she is."

I tried to smile back, but I'm not sure if that was communicated. Dream cupped my face and helped me lift it all the way up, and I groaned in agony. 

"I know, I know it hurts," Dream tried, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "Let's get you out of here, yeah?" I murmured something inaudible in response, but Dream kept nodding and smiling. He never moved, but the chains behind me were removed, and my arms went limp.

"You alright?" I heard Techno ask behind me. Techno?

"Hngh..." I managed. Dream chuckled.

"You're gonna be fine. We got you." I tried to nod, and then Dream was guiding me to sit up straight. "Can you hold onto me?" I nodded again. Surely I'd be strong enough to do that, right?

I glanced over to where Sapnap and Hannah were undoing Chrys's chains.

"You okay?" she asked me. I cleared my throat and tried to speak, but all that came out was a wheeze. Chrys chuckled. "You're doing great, sweetie." I chuckled slowly, although painfully, in response, and then turned back to Dream.

"Ready?" he asked, placing his mask back on.

"Yeah," I forced out.

Dream reached under my thighs and hauled me up out of the chair. Every part of my body was screaming out in pain, and I couldn't help but let a short whimper escape. In order to keep my head, I poured all of my focus into wrapping my arms and legs around Dream, but it was a struggle. He kept one hand under me and one on my back, keeping me secure against his chest. I just let my head rest on his shoulder as we walked away.

Every step Dream took was hell, but I couldn't complain. I was alive, my sister was alive, all of my friends were alive... and that was more than I had ever hoped for.

"Hold on for me, okay?" Dream said to me, placing a kiss on my probably bloody cheek. "We're going up."
"Okay," I replied, holding on just a little bit tighter. Dream kept telling me little things, like where we were, where we were going, how much farther; he knew how to keep a person conscious.

We ran into a little hiccup when we turned a corner. I'm assuming that since I heard four different gunshots, and because Dream never stopped moving forward, that whoever was in the lead had taken care of it.

"Almost there. You're doing great."

"She alive back there?" I heard Sapnap ask.

"She's fine," Dream replied, voice vibrating against me.

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