Chapter 32- Nice Shot

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~Techno's POV~

I've learned over the years that it's easier to block out your emotions rather than feel them. I think that's why I'm so good at killing people.

You'd understand if you were in my position. I find it surprisingly easy to lose myself in the euphoria of control. That's not to say that I don't care about things, about people. I know where my loyalties lie.

So when Dream sprinted into my room and shut the door behind him, I didn't question it.

"Techno, get ready," he said. I sighed, put my book down, and lowered my glasses onto my nose.

"For what, exactly?" Dream was out of breath, holding his fists at his sides, mask covering his face. Obviously, he was running from something, or more likely, someone.

"Boss has a bunch of people on us. They already got George and Bad."

That piqued my interest.

"So you're here because-"

"I need your help Techno!" I sighed, standing up with a groan.

"What do you need from me-" I was interrupted, again, by a quiet ticking noise that I knew all too well. "Get back," I said, putting my arm across Dream's chest and shoving him backwards. Not even three seconds later, the door burst open, and several soldiers rushed in.

I immediately lunged for the gun on my bedside table and fired off several shots into the sea of men. Dream did the same, grabbing a gun from my desk to arm himself. We kept shooting, dodging counter attacks as they rained upon us as well. A bullet grazed my arm, but I barely felt it. All I could focus on was the fact that these people needed to die. Dream and I took them down, one by one, until there was a pile of bodies on my bedroom floor and countless bullet holes in my walls. I sighed.

"Great, now I gotta clean up this mess." Dream just glanced at me, still breathing heavily.

"Thanks," he managed, reloading the gun and shoving it in his pants.

"So, you said Boss sent these guys after you?" I asked, following Dream as he charged out the door.

"Yeah, they came after my whole squad, but Boss called y/n into her office like an hour ago. I don't know if she's still there or..." He stopped.

"I'm sure she's fine," I said. "How about your other squad members?"

"I saw George and Bad go down, but I couldn't help them. I'm not sure about Sapnap or any of the girls."

We bolted down the hall and back towards the common, coming across a trail of blood that only went for a few feet. I made eye contact, well, mask contact, with Dream, and then we continued.

We eventually met up with the remaining members of Dream's squad, which consisted of Puffy, Sapnap, and Hannah.

"Everyone okay?" Hannah asked.

"Hey Techno," Sapnap said to me. I nodded to him.

"Where's Niki?"

"Didn't see her. George and Bad?" Dream shook his head.

"I watched them go down."

"Shit," Puffy whispered under her breath. "Where do you think they took them?"

"Best guess is that secondary facility Lani was talking about," Hannah said, catching her breath.

"We gotta figure out where it is," Dream commanded, starting off towards what I could only assume was the Boss' office.

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