Chapter 6- A New Threat

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cw: mild descriptions of sexual harassment/assault

The next morning, I shook everyone awake at 4:45. I myself was exhausted, but we needed to get a move on.

"What the hell?" Hannah groaned as I flipped the lights on and off.

"Rise and shine, ladies! We got some uranium to steal!"

"If I tell you I identify as nonbinary, will you let me sleep?" Puffy asked, her voice muffled by a pillow.

"Nope! Come on, we have to beat the boys."

"Five more minutes, please," Niki murmured.

I eventually got all three girls out of bed and to the Montgomery estate. I was surprised it only took 45 minutes. We scanned the place, broke in, got the uranium, got out in less than 10 minutes, and we were on a plane by 6:15. I also managed to grab a gold watch worth 258K for Max, but don't tell anyone.

We landed back at HQ, slightly delirious from lack of sleep, but giddy from a job well done. Serves those boys right for letting their guard down.

"Y/n, you're back!" someone shouted as I was nearing my room, duffel bag hanging from my shoulder. I turned to see-

"Hi Ethan," I replied, plastering on a fake smile.

Ethan is my ex boyfriend. Now, I know what you're thinking. I thought you lived with like 40 women. And to that I say he's our Boss' son. Yeah, I know.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he practically shouted, clapping me on my injured shoulder. I bit my already sore tongue to keep from crying out or flinching.

"Yeah, it's been a bit. What are you up to these days?"

"Oh, my mom asked me to swing by. Thought she had an assignment for me or something." Oh god, I hope not.

"That's awesome! Well, I have to get cleaned up. See you around." I pulled out my key and started to unlock my door when there was a hand on my hip.

"Another job well done, I assume?" I shrugged away from him.

"As always."

"Maybe we should go out and celebrate," Ethan offered. Every bone in my body wanted to slap his smug little face, but I refrained.

"I'm pretty busy today. Maybe some other time." With that, I unlocked my room and shut the door in his face. Creepy bastard.

After showering, unpacking, and putting on a fresh pair of dark green cargo pants and a charcoal grey tee, I headed out to mission control to check in with Rocky. As I was making my way through the hallway, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

you asshole...

I chuckled and typed out a response to Dream.

you were off your game, Dreamy. maybe next time :)

do not call me Dreamy. unless you think I am in that case you can call me whatever you want ;)

i despise you sasquatch

you love me and you know it

oh, did you hear that?

sounds like a job well done to me

Oh wait

you failed you're assignment :(

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