Chapter 20- Possible Side Effects Include...

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lol it's 3am but i was on a roll. its kinda short, i didn't proofread at all, and i didn't want to make things too graphic, so here's... this

cw: mild torture

~Dream's POV~

No. Not like this.

Puffy grabbed my arm and shook me, hard.

"Dream, we have to get the money out," she whispered harshly. I couldn't think. I couldn't see a foot in front of me. "Dream, NOW."

I snapped out of my trance to find Puffy a few inches from my face. I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, yeah."

We shoveled the money into the bag, and then we were off.

"Hello? What the hell happened?" came Sapnap's voice.

"Bad and y/n are down," Hannah said. "We've got their cams, but both their earpieces were disconnected."

This cannot be happening. This can not be happening right now.

"We have to get them out," I said, not even realizing my mouth was moving.

The moment they were caught kept replaying in my head. The dull thud of a body hitting the floor, y/n's scream. God, her scream. That sound will never leave me.

"Dream, stick to the plan and get the money out of there. We'll send Niki and Sap in for them," George said.

"West, you've got two on right," Hannah added. I didn't even blink, and there were two more bodies on the ground.

"Where are they?" I commanded, sprinting up the stairs and up onto the main floor.

"Dream-" Puffy started.

"Get the money out, I'll get them," I interrupted, heading east within the facility.

"Not a chance," she said right back. "We're leaving, and Niki and Sapnap are going in." I ignored her, speeding towards where I hoped they were. "Dream!" Puffy grabbed me again, yanking my arm and turning me around to face her. "We're too close to this."

The look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know. I let her lead me out back the way we came, and I forced my mind to go completely blank.

~Y/n's POV~

Everything ached.

Every inch of my body felt like it was being crushed by the weight of a thousand semi trucks all at once, and I wanted to throw up. I didn't have the luxury of waking up on my own accord, because there was a freezing tsunami of ice water poured on my head.

"Good morning, princess!" an Italian voice bellowed. I finally opened my eyes, and I was face to face with an olive skinned man.

The room I was in was illuminated by a series of hanging light bulbs, and it looked similar to an unfinished basement. Bad was sitting across from me, hands and feet tied to his chair with rope. It took a moment to register that I was in a similar position.

"The hell..." I mumbled, still a bit groggy from whatever they gave me. Bad was sitting up, looking everywhere but at me.

"Welcome back," the man said, catching my attention. "I see you've broken into our facility."

"What about it?" I asked, already being defiant. The man clicked his tongue at me.

"I hope you'll be a bit kinder to me, because you do not want to know what I have in store for those who misbehave." I raised an eyebrow.

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