Chapter 26- Our Game

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Fuck shit fuckin balls piss shit cock fuck bitch shit fuckin shit bitch fuck-

That's what my brain was screaming as I casually strolled down the hallway towards Bitch's office. Yes I said Bitch's. I'm not happy with her.

As I was walking, however, I felt a tap on the middle of my back. I turned, and suddenly I was face to face with a kid. She was maybe 16 or 17, bright brown eyes and freckles covering almost every inch of her face and visible shoulders.

"Hi," she said.

"Hey yourself," I replied. "What's up?"

"I've just seen you around and wanted to introduce myself," she said, scratching her elbow. "I'm Julia, but my friends call me Jules."

"Nah, I think I'll call you Lil J," I said with a smile. "I'm y/n. I don't think I've seen you around before." Julia chuckled.

"Yeah, my squads a little lower rank, so we don't interact much with the Seconds."

"Hey, all the more room for improvement."

"That's true. I'm thinking of climbing the ranks, hopefully be a squad leader in the next few years."

"Yeah?" I asked, starting to walk away from Boss' office. "How old are you?"

"Seventeen, just barely. You?" I chuckled.

"21 and counting. Birthday's coming up, though."

"Let me guess, December... 12?" I gasped.

"Close, the 9th!" We both laughed.

"Mine was October 22nd. Slightly spooky, very fun. My friends made sure of that." We ended up walking back to the cafeteria, and my stomach grumbled. I looked at the time. 12:02.

"Hungry? I haven't eaten yet. Thinking about a wet juicy hot dog." Julia chuckled, a small snort escaping her nose.

"Sounds lovely." So we sat down and ate, chatting about nothing. It was... kind of nice. Julia seemed nice; she had good comedic timing and we bounced off of each other pretty well. She was slowly starting to remind me of myself.

"So, I may or may not have heard some rumors spreading about," Julia said cautiously, wiping her mouth with her arm. I raised an eyebrow.

"Anything juicy?"

"Not really, only that you and Dream are fuckin every spare second of the day." I nearly choked on my hot dog... Okay I just realized how bad that sounds. If I could 'That's what she said' myself, I would.

"I wouldn't use those exact words-"

"Are you together?" Julia immediately recoiled, curling her hands together under the table. "Sorry, that's probably a little much for the girl you just met." I chuckled around a cough.

"No, no, it's alright. He and I are together, yeah."

"How long?" Julia asked with a smile. I had to think about that one.

"Uh, not that long. Started dating... what, mid October I think?"

"Nice, nice." We both nodded along. I suddenly remembered why I was out, and why I was so nervous to go see the Boss. I gulped.

"Yeah, I actually haven't seen him since this morning." I glanced down at my phone to check the time. It was 1:07.

Fuck shit fuckin balls piss shit cock fuck bitch shit fuckin shit bitch fuck-

"I actually have to go," I said, shooting up from my seat.

"Oh, yeah, of course. See you around?" Julia replied, standing with me.

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