Chapter 25- Lying or Dying

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~Dream's POV~

My eyes fluttered open due to the soft buzzing against my back. I groaned and tried to move, but there was a girl in my arms. A small smile appeared on my face, but I had to reach under us to grab my ringing phone. It was Sap.

"Hello?" I asked, voice much lower than usual.

"Yo, where the frickity fuck are you? I've been calling for like 15 minutes."

"I'm in y/n's room. She's still asleep." I pulled the phone away from my face to check the time. 9:28 Shit.

"Wake her up. Rock is pissing herself."

"Alright, don't get your panties in a twist. We'll be there in a minute."

"Hurry up-" I hung up before he could say anything else.

"Hey," I whispered, rubbing y/n's arm to try and wake her up. She didn't move. Heavy ass sleeper. "Oy, penis breath." I gave her a little shake, and I heard a sharp inhale.

"I sucked your dick once," y/n groaned, voice also low from sleep. I chuckled.

"It's 9:30, we gotta go see Rocky."

"The hell-" Y/n sat up immediately and rubbed her eyes. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" she asked, slapping my chest.

"You needed your rest after last night. Plus, you're cute when you're asleep." She raised an eyebrow, so I sat up to continue. "You get this look on your face, like you're completely relaxed."

"We'll yeah, I'm unconscious." Y/n stood up to start getting ready.

"Sometimes, you'll mumble." She snorted, peeling off her shirt. I forced my gaze down to my knees, realizing I was still wearing jeans.

"Do I say anything coherent?"

"No, not usually. Once, a couple nights ago, you said my name." Y/n immediately stopped, her clean shirt drifting down her chest.


"Yeah, it kinda freaked me out. You never call me Clay."

"I like to save it for..." A devilish grin spread across her face. "special occasions."

"Gross," I joked, scrunching up my nose at her. She smiled, then finished getting dressed while I looked around at the Halloween decorations in her room.

"Such a gentleman," she said, planting a kiss on my cheek as she passed by. "Let's go." With that, she left me in her room, closing the door behind her.

"Thanks for waiting," I muttered, climbing out of bed and racing after her.

I entered mission control to find her and the rest of the guys sitting around the table, casually chatting with Rocky who was splayed out on the floor on her back.

"Is Rocky having an existential crisis or something?" I asked, taking a seat between Sapnap and George.

"I'm just thinking," she said from the floor.

"She's just thinking," Puffy repeated.

"Do we have any assignments coming up?" Hannah asked.

"Boss is being... territorial at the moment," Rocky replied, "She hasn't given me anything for anyone."

"So everyone's here right now?" George said. Rocky nodded.

"Boring day in mission control."

"Wanna hear what I did yesterday?" y/n asked. I felt the tension in the room squeeze around us, slowing our breathing, making us... well, rather uncomfortable. Was she really about to just... talk about this openly?

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