Chapter 2- The Jackson 5

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We landed in L.A at precisely 11:32pm, and we were greeted by a team that took our bags and loaded them into a car for us. I recognized one of the members and walked up to them as they were loading one of Hannah's bags.

"So, come here often?" I asked, leaning on the car. The guy looked up and immediately rolled his eyes when he saw me.

"Hi to you too, y/n. I thought I'd seen the last of you in Oregon."

"You can't escape me, Jackson, no matter how hard you try."

"How many times have I told you, it's Jack."

"Okay, Will." He smiled.

"You done harassing me?"

"Never." Jack closed the trunk and turned towards me.

"Don't you have places to be?" he asked.

"Maybe, but I like seeing you blush when you can't come up with a good comeback." Jack took a steadying breath.

"You're something else."

"Oh, I know." I patted him on the shoulder and made my way to the back door of the car. "I'll see you again, Jackson 5."

"I hope not," Jack replied, walking up to the door as I sat down. I blew a kiss, and he flipped me off and closed the door.

"Friend of yours?" Hannah asked.

"Don't ask."

We drove to our hotel, checked in under a false name, and crashed.

I was violently shaken awake at 7:18am by a persistent Hannah.

"What?" I groaned.

"Wakey wakey. Rise and grind." I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Seriously? Rise and grind?"

"Just get up. Niki got food."

We spent the next 6 hours scouring through the history of the Montgomery Banquet, digging up everything we could find. I was in charge of the history and location of the "big rock."

"Huh," I said, interrupting everyone's intense thought, "turns out this thing is almost 500 years old. It was first discovered in Saudi Arabia, but it was shipped here in 1893."

"Who would want a big hunk of Saudi Arabia?" Hannah asked, diving back into her computer screen.

"That big hunk of Saudi Arabia is pure uranium." All three girls looked up at me.

"Uranium? As in a whole bunch of toxic stuff?" Puffy asked. I sighed.

"Looks like this job is gonna be a whole lot tougher than we thought."

~Dream's POV~

We arrived in L.A a little after midnight and set up shop in an abandoned building right outside the town. Sapnap was helping George set up his gear, our newest member, Bad, was sharpening his knives, and I was trying to strategize.

"What the hell Sapnap?" I heard George yell.

"What do you mean? You're the one that keeps taking over!"

"Give that back!" I heard rustling followed by two thumps on the hard ground.

"Boys..." I groaned without even looking up from my laptop. A second later, the tussling stopped.

"What?" Sapnap asked. I quirked up an eyebrow at him.

"Would you two quit screwing around and set up? We don't have much time."

"I'll have to agree with Dream on this one," Bad piped up. "Keep this up and one of you will lose an eye." I glanced over at him just as his knife blade reflected the light of the hanging lightbulb above us.

"Okay, BadBoyHalo, whatever you say," George mocked. I made eye contact with him, and then he looked back down at the massive amounts of wires and screens before him.

"What have we got so far?" Sapnap asked, plugging in one of the cords into an outlet. I sighed.

"Practically nothing. All the boss told us was to get this rock before the others."

"That's it? That's all he gave you?"

"Yep, not even who we're going up against."

"Geez, it wouldn't kill the guy to be a little less vague," George muttered.

"Do we even know what we're looking for?" Bad asked.

"That we do know." I flipped my laptop around so he could see an image of the item. "Pure uranium, found in Saudi Arabia. This thing costs like... 2.7 million or something."

"Now we know why the boss wants it so bad," Sapnap mentioned, stalking over to me and sitting down in a chair.

"Yeah, but how are we gonna get it?" George asked. "Where is it now?"

"At the most prestigious black tie event of the year," I said, turning my laptop back towards me. "The Montgomery Banquet."

~Y/n's POV~

After several more hours of research, we headed out to scope out the area around the Montgomery residence. We split into two groups: me and Puffy and Hannah and Niki. Puffy and I went to the actual house to look around while Hannah and Niki tapped into the security.

"Do you think the Dream Team will be joining us on scouring?" Puffy asked, her voice emphasizing her boredom.

"No, they're not stupid enough to get caught in broad daylight. Maybe tonight though," I joked.

"I wouldn't put it past them..."

"Something wrong?" I asked, trying not to look suspicious as I circled the massive estate.

"No, it's just-" Puffy sighed. "They seem to be getting better. Remember the Oxford feud?" I nodded. "Yeah, apparently they're the ones that took care of it. Single handedly." My eyebrows arched at that.

"Seriously? I thought that would've taken at least three teams."

"Nope. Just Dream and his little band of merry men." I glanced over at Puffy. I could practically see the steam shooting out of her ears.

"Are you jealous or something?" Her head gaze snapped up to meet mine.

"What? No, of course not."

"Really? Because last I heard, that Sapnap guy was a real-"

"Don't even talk about him." I smiled.

"Oh, I've struck a nerve. Do you seriously think he's a better weapons expert than you? Puffy, you're the best we've got." She gave me a small smile, but hid it right back under a scowl.

"He's just so cocky all the time. It pisses me off."

"Don't worry. You'll have the chance to show him up on Saturday when we steal that uranium right out from under his whole team's noses."

We finished our little search, taking extra precautions to make sure we weren't seen. When we got back to the hotel, Puffy and I heard two screams of anguish from our room. We didn't even make eye contact as we pulled out our guns in unison and snuck up to the door. I was in position to open it, so I grabbed the door knob, nodded to Puffy, and shoved it open.

Puffy ran into the room instantly, lifting her gun. I followed her, and Niki and Hannah looked up at us from the coffee table.

"What's with the gun show?" Hannah asked.

"We heard screaming," Puffy explained.

"Oh, that's just because Hannah can't crack open the Montgomery firewall," Niki said. Hannah punched her in the arm. Puffy sighed and we both lowered our guns. I went back to close the door.

"What do you mean she can't crack the firewall?" I heard Puffy ask.

"What happened?" I added. Hannah sighed in defeat.

"I can't get in. Either this thing is really well protected, or..."

"Someone else is in," I finished.

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