Chapter 40- Top Dog

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"Please, call me Charlie. Charles makes me sound eighty years old."

The agent coordinator took his seat at his desk, addressing something on his monitor before returning his attention to us.

"Charlie," I corrected, "we were told our first task was to come and see you."

"Your first task, huh? New recruits?" We all nodded. Charlie smiled. You could tell from the wrinkles by his eyes and his deep smile lines that it was genuine. Charlie reached into his desk and pulled out a piece of paper on a clipboard. "First and last names please," he said, handing it to me.

I squinted, but didn't hesitate to take the pen and write my name. Several others were above mine on the page, and I scanned them quickly, searching for any names we knew. My breath caught when I saw a cluster of familiar ones: Toby, Ranboo, Phil, Techno.

"I'm guessing you're all from LMBG?" Charlie asked, typing away again.


"And who recruited you?"

"Sam," George answered. Charlie's eyes flicked to George's face, then back to his screen. If anything, I'd say he was surprised.

"What was your squad number?" he continued.

"One." Charlie stopped typing. He locked eyes with me, as if daring me to correct myself, then grinned again.

"Impressive. You'll do just fine here."

He finished whatever he was working on, took back the clipboard, and folded his hands on his desk.

"I'm not sure exactly how LMBG was run, but here, we are very strict on following the rules. Rule number one, and do not break this rule or so help me god, you are not permitted to leave the facility unless you're given an assignment or have been ordered to do so. Anyone caught outside the grounds will be shot on sight. Any questions?"

"Is that why you're openly recruiting?" Dream asked, "Because you keep killing your members?" I stepped on his foot, hard.

"What my friend is trying to say is why are the numbers so low?" Charlie kept his gaze on Dream's mask.

"That's not something I'm at liberty to discuss with new recruits," he answered smoothly. He finally looked away and addressed the rest of the group. "You will be contacted with your daily schedules within the hour. In the meantime, I'd suggest familiarizing yourself with the place. There won't be very much wiggle room in your schedules for the grand tour."

When no one responded, Charlie leaned forward over the desk. "Look," he said, lowering his voice, "I'm not really supposed to tell anyone this, but you guys were highly ranked, so you might have some idea. BLDS is run by a very simple system: succeed, and you'll survive. The assignments are always dangerous, they are always quick, and they are always classified. If you want any respect shown to you, you're gonna have to earn it. Over and over again." He looked around as if making sure this wasn't being heard by anyone else. "Follow the rules, and you'll be just fine. If you don't, well, I hope you're fast runners."

He leaned back in his chair and went back to typing. I stared at him, waiting for him to continue. The clicking of his keys was rather loud.

"I'm sure you're eager to discuss the topic of your salaries," he said eventually. "Our starting rate is three fifty a year, but I think we can bump that up for you guys, seeing as how you were Squad number One." He typed for a few more seconds. "Is eight hundred reasonable?"

I resisted the urge to gasp. "Sounds good to me. Guys?" There was a general murmur of agreement, and Charlie smiled.

"Good. I'll get that settled. And a twenty thousand signing bonus for each of you..." He finished typing and turned to face us, clasping his hands together on the desk. "You all should be good to go."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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