Chapter 14- Mistakes?

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~Dream's POV~

I woke up still attached to y/n, a raging ache coursing across my entire body. Her breathing was still even, so I didn't move. Five, ten, fifteen minutes passed, and then I knew I had to get up so we could tend to our wounds. Of course this mission went wrong. One good day, that's all I ask.

Sighing, I rubbed the now tiny looking girl's arm to wake her up, and she jolted. Then she groaned. I had to chuckle.

"Morning princess." There was no response, no snarky comeback, not even a glare. Right. I started to sit up, even with the agonizing protests from my own body and y/n. Eventually, I was sitting upright, clutching y/n to my side while her head still rested under my chin.

I had to give her head a pat to get her to look up at me. Then I pointed to her legs.

"Hurt?" I enunciated. She nodded, and then I started to crawl out of bed. I groaned from the stiffness of my joints from sleep and raw skin rubbing against the grainy sheets, thankful that y/n couldn't hear me. Once I was standing, I headed to the main hub of our two suites.

Everyone was passed out in the living area of our room, and I didn't blame them. Niki and Puffy had the good sense to treat their injuries before falling asleep, and I noticed a few haphazard bandages on the rest of the guys. Wasting no time, I grabbed the burn cream, bandages, gauze, and everything else I could carry and took it back to y/n.

When I returned, she was struggling to swing her legs to the side of the bed, face scrunched up in concentration. I dumped the supplies on the floor by the bed and reached out to help. She held up her hand.

"I cando't," she murmured, her speech slurred. I held both hands up and watched as she struggled for another ten seconds, and then her legs were dangling down in front of me. Reaching down, I grabbed the burn ointment first, hoping it would soothe at least some of the pain.

"Ready?" I asked, making eye contact with her. She nodded, so I grabbed a big glob of it on my fingers, hiked up her torn pant legs, and started to spread it in downward motions. I could tell y/n was holding her breath, but I continued. As I reached a particularly singed area on her right calf, she let out a small whimper.

"I know, I know," I said instinctively, even though she couldn't hear me. Soon, but not soon enough, a thick layer of the stuff was spread on the pink areas of her legs, arms, and hands.

"Better?" I asked. She nodded again, and so I began wrapping her in white bandages.

"Do I sound normal?" she said suddenly. I jerked my head up at the sound of her voice. "I can't tell what I sound like."

"You sound fine," I replied, focusing on the pronunciation of each word so she could read my lips. When the bandages ran out, I stood up to go and grab more. As I was walking out, I heard the bed creak, and y/n was standing. Her arms were extended at her sides and her legs were shaking, but she was standing. I smiled, then cocked my head towards the door. It took her a bit to get there, but she was walking again, which was much better than I could've hoped for.

She followed me into the living area, now bustling with noise. Sapnap saw her first, but his gaze landed on me.

"She's doing great," I said simply.

"Great is an understatement," he replied, "I thought she'd still be out cold by now."

"Never underestimate the great y/n," Niki said, rolling her probably sore shoulders back in circular motions. I saw Puffy wave to get y/n's attention from my periphery as I bent down to collect more bandages. Bad scooted next to me, fiddling with a knife.

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