Chapter 2

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Anna:*hugging him tight with her arms wrapped around his waist as her head is on his chest*finally!! *giggles*I missed you so freaking time!

Jack:*laughs hugging her then looks down at her *even though we talk half of the day? ~

Anna:YES! *laughs and realizes Elsa is still there as she pulls back then smiles *Elsa meet my best friend forever ~ Jack and you mean the best sister in the world~*giggles*

Elsa: *still blushing a bit then smiles*ummm I'm sorry if I was rude I didn't know it was you *looks at him*nice to meet you *offers a handshake*

Jack:*chuckles looking at her*you call drooling over me rude? ~*smirks at her and takes her hand kissing it softly then looks at you*its my pleasure to meet the best sister and the most beautiful girl in the world ~*winks at her*

Elsa:*blushes more*i wasn't d-drooling*smiles a bit and thinks- fuck what is happening... I just met him and my brain is thinking so so many things.. Hans doesn't even kiss my hand  nor  wink at me...ughhhh-*and thank you... I know I'm the best sister but the most beautiful girl? Nah...

Jack:*looks at Anna *you're sister knows to lie huh? *chuckles*

Anna:yes she does *chuckles and looks at Elsa*just admit it elsaaa~~you're gorgeous I wish I was like you...

Jack:hey don't say that~*cups her face in his hands *you are perfect the way you are *smiles and starts tickling her*

Anna:*starts laughing trying to get off his hands*no stop it! *laughing*

Elsa:*chuckles looking at them *hey come on get inside *makes way*

Jack: thank you babygirl~*winks at Elsa again then walks inside with Anna following him*

Anna:so what do you think? *looks at him with excitement*

Jack:*laughs*i love it Anna don't worry*smiles then looks at Elsa*i hope I'm not a burden..

Elsa: no no of course not*smiles notices his blue eyes again as she shivers of the way he is looking at her* I'm more than happy to have you here but--

Anna:*interrupts her*elsaaa!!!!

Elsa: hey calm down *laughs and looks at Jack again*youll clean you're room, you'll pay you're bill, you'll not to make noise and back off my sister

Anna: Elsa really! *looks at her * we don't even like each other that way!

Jack:*smiles and looks at Elsa* don't worry babygirl I promise I'll do all that stuff and I understand you want to protect you're sister from a stranger that you were drooling at~

Elsa:*blushes again*hey!! *rolls her eyes *I w-wasn't drooling.. Stop talking about it... *sighs*

Anna:*smirks*he won't until you admit it~*wiggles her eye brows teasingly*

Jack:*looks at Anna then smirks looking back at Elsa*but seriously you were drooling who wouldn't*winks again looking at Elsa *

Elsa:*shivers again then glups*okay! Fine! I was drooling... *walks in the kitchen*

Anna:I knew it! *laughs*anywaysssss let me show you your room! *grabs his hand dragging him upstairs into his room as it's next to Elsa's *

*10 minutes later they walk down stairs*

Elsa:*looks at them as she's making the table*so do you like your room?

Jack:yes it's amazing*smiles*im going to get my stuff and starts unpacking

Anna:I'll come and help *smiles and goes to walk out*

Jack:*stops her and looks at her*the table is almost done I want you to eat *smiles*I can do it myself don't worry okay?

Anna:okay *smiles and walks to the table sitting back down*

*Jack walks out in his car*

Anna:so do you like him? We're you really drooling? Do you think he is better than Hans? Will he be the one for you in the future? ~*smirks teasingly looking at her*

.........To be continued........

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