Chapter 41

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*not soon after that the boys come with the ice creams *

Jack: we finally arrived~*laughs sitting down next to Elsa handing her ice cream*there you go babygirl~

Elsa:*smiles taking it*thank you babe*kisses his cheek then starts licking it smiling*

Hiccup: what happened with Rapunzel? *eating his ice cream*

Astrid: I'll tell you later let her be now*chuckles *okay so what do you want to do now?

Anna: I know truth or dare!

Flynn:*chuckles*we always play that game but sure I'll be fun we have more couples now *chuckles*

Hiccup: I guess you're right okay I'll go first *licks his ice cream then looks at Anna*truth or dare?

Anna: I'm going with dare!

Hiccup:*chuckles*give you're ice cream to Kristoff*smirks*

Anna: what!? Ohh come on I'm the one who suggested the ice cream! *rolls her eyes handing her ice cream to Kristoff

Kristoff:*chuckles*chill babe you can have mine *hands her his ice cream*

Anna: thank you! *kisses his cheek*my turn*looks st Flynn*truth or dare?

Flynn: I'm going with truth *chuckles*

Anna: lame... Anyways who do you like?

Flynn:*glups a bit then sighs*ive always liked Rapunzel but she's into Jack so...

Elsa: ohhh... Well Jack is mine so you can have her *chuckles*

Flynn: yeah sure *smiles*my turn*looks at Astrid*truth or dare?

Astrid: I'll go with truth I'm scared*chuckles*

Flynn: hmm... *smirks*if Hiccup was in danger and for you to save him you had to have sex with one of us, you know me Jack and Kristoff, who would you chose?

*in the same time both Anna and Elsa look at her curious*

Astrid: ughhh! Really Flynn... *sighs*if he wasn't in danger no one... But in this situation I'll have to go with Jack... *glups looking down*

Elsa:*widens her eyes*really!! What the hell why does everyone want my boyfriend well I know but why!? *rolls her eyes*

Jack:*chuckles*calm down babygirl you and the whole world knows I'm yours *kisses her cheek*

Elsa:*smiles and nods*yes yes I know...

Astrid: okay okay my turn now*looks at Elsa*truth or dare?

Elsa: I'll go with a dare *wiggles her eye brows*

Astrid:*chuckles and smirks*i dare you to pour down ice cream on jack and lick it off~

Anna: woah! That is a bit too.....

Jack:*glups looking at Astrid*really... Why would you dare her do do that... Now she will do it every time *face palms*

Elsa:*chuckles and blushes *shut up*leans him back a bit on his hands as she hovers the ice cream on top of him making it drip on his chest and abs*

Rapunzel:*notices and clenches her jaw and fist watching from the water*

Flynn: dannnggg~* smirks*

Elsa:*chuckles*hold this for me*hands her ice cream to Astrid*

Jack: Elsa don't tease me... *looks at her while the ice cream starts streaming down his chest and abs*

Elsa: shut up baby~*holds her hair and leans down putting her other hand on his abs as she licks sexily up his chest*

Jack:*glups looking down at her as he bites his lip and whisperers*fuck...

Elsa:*giggles looking up at him as she licks his chest clean then moves down licking his abs as it takes her few minutes to lick him clean then sees some ice cream is on his trunks and inside as she looks at their friends* close you're eyes or look away a bit~

*everyone knows exactly what's she's doing as they look away*

Elsa:* hooks her fingers on his trunks pulling them down a bit as she licks the ice cream off all the way*

Jack:*leans his head back getting hard and biting his lip as he keeps whispering*fuck fuck fuck~~

Elsa:*sits up and smirks when she finishes and fixes him*done~*licks her lips*

Flynn: nice~~~*chuckles*

Rapunzel:*sees everything and swims out then starts walking angrily towards them *you bitch!!

...........To be continued.........

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