Chapter 53

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Hans:*runs out instantly as he gasps when he sees Elsa on the floor crying and holding herself* Elsa! * falls next to her and hugs her* I'll be alright! Calm down I'm here!

Elsa:*crying hard and shaking uncontrollably*he said were over! I did nothing! I didn't chest on him----*realizes* wait.... *looks at him*you did this on purpose didn't you?!

Hans:*glups looking at her like he doesn't know what she's talking about* ummm what?....

Elsa:*stands up* you lied! Just to get me here you lied!!! How can I be so stupid! *starts crying again*simce when are you like this... I should've known you're lying... You're brother is on the other side of the world he can't possibly be here... Ughhhhhh!!!! *takes her bag then goes in her car starting it*

Hans: Elsa! I didn't mean to lie but I needed you  I still do! You would've never came by yourself I had to come up with something! *runs to her*please don't leave I'm sorry!

Elsa:*tears stream down her cheeks as she drives off and instantly goes home running inside* jack! JACK!

Anna:*runs from the living room and hugs her tight as she's crying as well* thank god you're here! Thank god jack found you, we were so worried where the hell were you!? *looks at her then realises * wait jack? His not with you?

Elsa:*crying* Anna.... *hugs her tight*i was with Hans.... He told me his brother came tried to kill him you know how his brother is.... And I feel for it I went to him I tried to calm him down but guess what.... *snuffs*

Anna:*gasps* don't tell me jack came and saw you two together!?

Elsa: yes he did Anna! I've never seen him look at me like that! *breaks down crying* he said were over and left! Anna I didn't know Hans was lying! *looks at her*im so stupid....*shaking*

Anna:* shakes her head* no Elsa you're not stupid you just didn't thought Hans would lie to you about something like that*hugging her tight*i understand why jack was furious but now we gotta find him*looks at her* snap out of it...

Elsa: I can't Anna! I messed up! Like really good! *falls down on her knees*he will never look at me or talk to me nor forgive me! *breathing heavily*

Anna:*hugs her tight* you need to try Elsa... If he doesn't want to listen then you will make him listen... You love him don't you?

Elsa: yes! Yes I do so damn much more than anything.... *stands up wiping her tears*lets find him... First try calling him

Anna: yeah*takes her phone and starts calling him*

Jack:*answers the second time Anna calls* what?

Anna:jack?! Thank god you're alright! Where the hell are you?!

Elsa:*when he answers she sighs of relief and smiles looks at Anna*

Jack: really Anna... *sighs and rolls his eyes*of course I'm alright I won't do anything dumb and I won't tell you where the hell I am

Anna: jack please... Look you're my best friend and I'm telling you... You need to hear Elsa out... Jack she's not okay please.. Come back

Jack: no Anna I'm not hearing her out... Even if she explains herself to me I still can see them both hugging each other and Elsa saying that she will always be there for him she knows that I'm talking about...

Elsa: Jack..... *starts shaking again as she takes annas phone* you come back here! You hear me you come back and you let me explain! I don't love him I love YOU! But that still doesn't mean I will leave him be! I know what his been through and I feel for it it my mistake! I already broke things off with him so you come here and listen to me! *crying hard*i need you to come here!

Jack:*sighs*if you want me to hear you out fine I will but after that I'm leaving,I'm going back*hangs up*

Elsa:*widens her eyes when he says that as she let's the phone fall down*no... *faints*

.........To be continued..........

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