Chapter 30

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Elsa:*gasps and blushes feeling how hard he is as she smiles and shivers under his touch getting turned on even more as she starts grinding and dancing sexily on him*nahhh~ I would never turn you down~

Jack:*smirks blushing a bit as he leans his head down kissing her neck softly whiskey still holding her waist feeling her dance as he chuckles*you have no idea what you're doing to me~

Elsa: trust me I do~*smirks leaning her head giving him more access*because you're doing the same to me*chuckles as she bites her lip *

*in the same time Jack's hands get snatched away *

Rapunzel:*grabs his hands turning him around making him let go of her as she smirks*dance with me~*puts his hands on her hips as she blushes*

Elsa:*widens her eyes and glares as she clenches her jaw then grabs Jack's hand and drags him away though the crowd as she looses Rapunzel and now she's out in the garden*

Jack:*chuckles following Elsa looking at her as he smirks*okay babygirl that was enough you know~

Elsa: she was my friend! I liked her! Why is she like this! Ughhhh she knows I like you yet she still tried going with you! *kicks the bush and gets dizzy going to fall*

Jack:*widens his eyes realising she's about to fall as he catches her again with one hand as he looks at her smirking*you finally admit that you like me huh babygirl~

Elsa:*blushes looking up at him as she glups and nods softly*yes Jack I like you.. I realised no one makes me feel like you do... And I promise it's me talking not the drink*chuckles*

Jack:*chuckles as he smiles*i like you to babygirl more that anything*leans down going to kiss her but gets interrupted*

Hans: YOU BASTARD! TRYING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY GIRLFRIEND WHILE SHE'S DRUNK! *he launches himself at Jack making Jack let go of Elsa

Elsa: *falls off Jack's hands on the grass on her butt*aghhhh! *looks at them*hans! Stop it!

Hans: he tried touching you!! *he pins Jack on floor punching him hard*

Jack:*yells in pain*you are the BASTARD here! *Groans as his lip start bleeding but he pushes hands off punching him hard making him stumble as he starts punching him harder*

Hans:*groans also in pain as he gets more punched by Jack then clenches his fist and jaw attracting Jack again*STAY AWAY FROM MT GIRLFRIEND!!

*everyone from the party runs out watching them and cheering some for Jack and some for Hans*

Elsa:*crying hard*just stop it!! *tries separating them but just gets pushes away*stop!

?? : Elsa has 2 hot boys fighting over her

?? :dang I know right*chuckles*i wonder who she likes more

?? : I guess we will find out*laughs and gets back to cheering*

*Anna and Rapunzel run there as well and gasp*

Rapunzel: holly shit! Frostbite stop! Please you'll get hurt! *goes to run to Jack but kids stop her in case she gets hurt while Anna has her mouth covered watching as well and soon after Merida and Astrid join as well*

*Jack and Hans keep on fighting each other throwing punches and kicks*

Elsa: ENOUGH! *stands in between pushing them off but Hans punches her as she stumbles back and yells*ahhhhh!!

Jack:*widens his eyes in shock as he igores all the pain and rushes to her just to help her*

Hans:*before Jack helps her he pushes him off making him fall on the ground hard and hit his head as he holds onto Elsa *I'm so sorry!! The punch was for Jack I didn't though you were going to jump in here! Baby are you okay!?

Rapunzel:JACK! *runs to him taking him in her lap seeing blood from his head*call an ambulance!

*Astrid calls the ambulance*

Elsa:*starts crying again holding her cheek as she pushes him off*WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? ARE YOU BLIND!? I DON'T LIKE YOU I LIKE JACK! I ALLOWED HIM TO TOUCH ME! I WANT HIM! I NEED HIM! CAN'T YOU SEE I DON'T LOOK AT YOU THE SAME WAY LIKE BEFORE!? *crying harder as she is shaking then gasps seeing jack and she instantly runs room him taking him in her arms pushing Rapunzel away*

Jack:*unconscious with brushes and cuts on his face and body with a lot of blood*

Elsa:*holding him close to her as she whispers*im sorry Jack.. Please be okay.. I need you... Don't leave me... Please I beg you*wipes her tears as she sniffs holding him*

............To be continued.........

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