Chapter 34

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Jack:*just puts on his boxers as he looks at Elsa*nothing happened babygirl I just told her I'm yours ~*winks*

Elsa:*blushes and glups as she smiles and walks to him hugging him tight*i never thought we were going to be together...

Jack: you know I actually knew we were going to be together~*chucklez hugging her back*i wanted you to realise how much you want me you know since the first time we met you were a bitch~

Elsa:*widens her eyes in shock*i was not! *laughs then remembers and gasps*omg i really was*laughs harder falling on the bed*

Jack: mhmmm you sure were *chuckles as he puts on his sweatpants but gets dizzy and stumbles back a bit*

Elsa:*realises and jumps up running to him helping him up*i got you... *sighs looking st him all worried*sit down a bit*makes him sit down and goes between his legs kissing his head*

Jack:*takes a deep breathe and rubs his head a bit *fuck....

Elsa: do you want to lie down... *starts massaging his head softly relaxing him*

Jack: yeah please*he lays down but pulls Elsa with him then lays his head on her chest and wraps his arms around her waist*better~

Elsa:*chuckles and covers them then runs her fingers thought his hair relaxing him*sleep~

Jack: I'm sure I will~*chuckles as he enjoys everything then falls asleep*

*the next morning*

Elsa:*wakes up first and smiles seeing him sleep in a funny position on his side of the bed *ohh Jack... ~*kisses his cheek then stands up and walks down stairs*

Anna:*in the living room fixing her bag as she sees Elsa*good morning sis... I was going to wake you up just now for school*chuckles*

Elsa: ohhh crap... *face palms and sighs*rught school... And hans *rolls her eyes*jack can't come he got dizzy again last tight... Were going alone let me get ready*she walks in her room and starts getting dressed*

Jack:*wakes up looking around for Elsa and when he doesn't see her he walks in her bedroom right when she's changing as he whistles sexily *

Elsa:*gasps and widens her eyes turning around in only shorts and bra as she blushes*jackkkkk~~*rolls her eyes as she drags him to her bed making him sit down*youre supposed to stay in bed~

Jack: you were gone I had to find you and I'm glad I came ~*smirks looking at her up and down*you are so fucking beautiful~*pulls her down on his lap and starts kissing her neck*

Elsa:*blushes again and glups as she bites her lip getting holding in her moans as her nipples get hard*i n-need to get ready...

Jack: fuck that~*smirks sliding his hands behind her gripping her ass while kissing down her neck leaving bite marks*

Elsa:*leans her bead back giving him more access as she moans softly and blushes*jack~~~*starts getting wet* please jack I don't want to be late..

Jack:*rolls his eyes and chuckles*fineee~*takes his hand back and helps her stand up*ill stop*falls back on her bed *

Elsa:*smiles a but then rolls her eyes*what are you doing to me... *puts on a shirt and sighs as she whispers*im turned on right now... Great*puts her shoes on and gets her back*

Jack:*chuckles and stands up*have fun thinking about me the whole day~*kisses her cheek*see you later babygirl*spanks her then runs out going in his room*

Elsa:*gasps and moans a bit when he soanks her as she blushes in embarrassment*JACK! *runs in his room but sees he locked it*you just wait! *walks down stairs*

Anna: let go*chuckles*you two are hella naughty*they both walk out*

*at school at lunch break*

..........To be continued..........

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