Chapter 55

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Elsa:*laying in bed watching TV as she rolls her eyes* fuck off anna! I don't feel like going out so I don't, I don't feel like going to school so I dont----

Anna:*interrupts her*stop it elsa... Just stop it... You have to come out for me but mostly yourself... You barely eat, barely talk to me or any of our friends and you barely get out of you're room.... I need my sister back.... So please get ready and let's go to school maybe we can go to the mall later.... Please... *sounda like she's on the edge of crying*

*after one minute of silence*

Elsa:*groans* fine.... Wait for me down stairs*gwts up*

Anna: yay!!! I love you! *smiles running down stairs*

Elsa:*smiles a bit as gets some clothes and changes then walks down stairs walking to Anna not smiling* ready?

Anna: *nods as she's eating a sandwich* yes ready*looks at her up and down* you look nice now eat*hands her one of the sandwiches*

Elsa: really anna... *sighs*I'm not hungry don't you get that *puts it away then walks out*

Anna: wait for me! *locks the house and runs after her*geez...

*are school*

Astrid:*sees Elsa and smiles* omg your alive! *hugs her tight*

Elsa:*rolla her eyes not hugging her back* ha ha very funny *rolls her eyes*

Merida: you finally got out... We all really missed you...

Astrid:*takes a step back and nods* so much girl.... It's lonely...

Elsa: I can see *smiles a bit then sighs*i don't want to talk I'll just go in class*walks away*

*hiccup and flynn walk to them*

Hiccup: nothing changed?...

Anna: no absolutely nothing... *sighs* he needs to come back... She needs him..Jack needs to come here or I don't think she will ever smile...

Flynn: let's pray he does then...

*after classes at lunch time*

Elsa:*takes her breakfast then heads to their table but someone trips her and she falls*ahh...

*everyone looks at her noticing as they start laughing*

Luke: oops I guess~*laughs looking at her* what happened to you Elsa? You used to be the most beautiful, smart, lovely girl I've known and now youre.... No one *laughs*

Elsa:*stands up and glares at him* what is your problem!?

Luke: no no nothing is... *smirks*I just want to be the shoulder you lean on you know because Mr. Jack Frost left you and broke your heart~

*Anna, Astrid, hiccup and Flynn gasp looking at them ready to defend her*

Elsa:*wisens her eyes as she glares at him with anger actually scaring him as she smirks* you  know you are NO ONE~ *smiles* Jack didn't left me but Betty did leave you~

*everyone laughs looking at him*

Luke: you bitch! *growls at her then stands up ready to slap her hard*

Elsa:*before he does she uses her leg to kick him hard in his nuts making him fall down crying in pain* ummm oops I guess~

Luke: aghhhhhh!! *crying in pain holding himself as he runs away*

*everyone keeps laughing*

Elsa:*rolls her eyes* SHUT UP YOURE ALL ANNOYING! *snaps at them glaring as she walks to the table sitting down*

*everything goes quite as they start whispering how scary Elsa became*

Anna: what was that....

Elsa: I said shut up*she looks at Anna and Anna instantly shivers in fear*

*2 days later as Elsa's been in 10 fights already and now everyone's afraid of her*

Elsa:*walks to school going to her friends but stands next to Astrid*hey

Astrid: hi... *doesn't look at her  as she takes a step away* so....

Elsa:*notices and laughs* you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to

Astrid: I want to believe me! But every time I try I think you will snap at me! I think k you will beat the shit out of me! What happened to you Elsa! Even YOURE OWN SISTER IS AFRAID OF YOU! *she gasps covering her mouth*

*everyone gasps and turns their attention to them*

Elsa:*widens her eyes  in shock and surprise then she looks at Anna*

Anna:*looks down knowing that what Astrid said is true*

Elsa:*still has her eyes widen in shock as she laughs*ohh well there's nothing I can do about it*smiles* and plus I want everyone to be afraid of me even my sister Anna*smirks*

*everyone gasps*

Hiccup: are you crazy! What happened to you! What kind of a monster did you become! she's you're sister god dammit the only family you have!

Elsa: yeah I don't care *chuckles*~ I love how you all know who's the queen, like I said I love seeing you all be afraid of me---

Jack:* walks behind her and interupts her* Including me?....

*everyone gasps when they see jack*

........To be continued.......

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