Chapter 42

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Rapunzel: you're doing that on purpose! *goes to slap Elsa*

Jack:*stops her by grabbing her hand*what the hell is wrong with you Rapunzel!? She's not doing anything on purpose! It was a dare and she did it and I loved it so what's the problem!.?

Rapunzel: *looks at him*you're mine---

Jack;*interupts her*no Rapunzel I'm not yours! I'm Elsa's boyfriend and I don't mind her touching me I'm hers! Forget about me move one find someone better*sighs letting go of her hand *

Rapunzel: I can't*starts crying*its you who I want *walks away going in her car driving away*

Elsa:*sighs*i can't stand her... *kisses Jack's cheek*i love you...

Jack: I love you to babygirl~*smiles*okay let's continue we need to have fun not deal with this*smiles*who is next?

Elsa:it was my turn*smiles and looks at Kristoff*truth or dare?

Kristoff: I'm going with truth

Elsa: I really want to know this and I know my sister will probably lie so I will ask you*looks at him curiously*are you guys still virgins or let me put it this way*smirks*have you fucked my sister?

Anna:*widens her eyes blushing madly*ELSA!?

*everyone laughs as Anna and Kristoff turn as red as a tomato*

Kristoff: y-yes I have *looks away blushing*moving on! *looks at Jack*truth or dare buddy?

Jack: I'm going with a dare~*smirks*

Kristoff:*chuckles*turn Elsa on then don't touch her at all the whole day~

Elsa:*widens her eyes shocked*what the hell! He can't turn me on then don't touch me Kristoff if this is pay back for my question its not fair! *pouts folding her arms *

Kristoff: a dare is a dare *chuckles*

Jack:*laughs then smirks at Elsa and pins her down hovering on top of her as he leans down and starts kisisng her neck in a specific place while sliding his hand up her sides punching her nipples through the bikini top*

Elsa:*gasps when she feels his lips as he bites her lip and arches her back feeling him pinch her nipples as she instantly gets turned on and she mumbles* this is not fair...

Jack:*laughs and moves off her as he smirks *try and resist babygirl~*smirks*

*everyone laughs*

Elsa: fuck you all*rolls her eyes sitting up covering her chest*

Jack: okay guys I think we should stop here *laughs*its time for volleyball!

*they all stand up and walk in the sand and starts playing*

*few hours later as it's getting dark and they take their stuff and drive home*

Anna: I'm going for a shower then I'll drop of at Kristoffs house I might sleep there

Elsa: okay sis *smiles and grabs Jack's hand dragging him upstairs*

Jack: woah babygirl what the hell is happening? *looks at her confused as he is following her*

Elsa: I want you~*pulls him in her room as she locks the door and pins him on her bed climbing on top of him*you can't tease me~

Jack:*chuckles looking at her*hey it was a dare *smiles putting his hands on her waist*

Elsa: I don't care~*leans downs kissing his neck as she slides his trunks down and starts stroking his dick*

Jack:*glups a bit as he smiles leaning his head back getting hard*mmm~

Elsa:*smirks as she goes down and licks his dick up his shaft then smirks *Jack I want to be in control~*licks his tip looking up at him*please~~

Jack:*chuckles then smirks *fineee~ only because you asked nicely~

Elsa:*smiles widely and happily*yay!! *stands up and walks to her closet taking out handcuffs*

Jack:*widens his eyes*geez Elsa... Since when~*chuckles looking at her *

..........To be continued..........

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