Chapter 9

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Elsa:*walks upstairs still feeling her heart hurt and still feeling like this is the wrong thing as she sighs and goes inside looking at Hans*are you sure baby?

Hans:*looks at her and nods*yes Elsa I want you... I love you and I want you to be my first*smiles and walks to her kissing her deeply*

Elsa:*smiles and kisses him back blushing a bit as she takes off his shirt noticing he doesn't have any abs as she pushes him on the bed and climbs on top*

Hans:*blushes and puts his hands on her waist while looking up at her*elsa...

Elsa: yes baby? *looks at him then her mind switches to Jack as she imagines being on top of him as she blushes and thinks: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ELSA! stop stop stop stop just stop thinking about him... Ughhhhhh!!-*

Hans: can you take you're shirt of... *blushes still looking at her as he  gets hard*

Elsa:*blushes biting her lip as she slides her shirt of and he sees her black laced bra*better? ~

Hans:*blushes harder and nods biting his lip as he slides his hands up her sides*

Elsa:*smiles but realises she doesn't shiver like when she's with jack and he's not even touching her but she shivers as she sighs and regrets it*

Hans:*looking at her but suddenly feels sick and moves her off him*im sorry Elsa I just... Give me a minute*walks in her bathroom*

Elsa:*looks at him confused then looks at the glass of water and gets an idea as she thinks: ohhh shit I just got an idea... Maybe I should do this but I have to ill regret it if I do this...ughhh Jack maybe if you didn't come things would've been better but in the same time I'm glad you came... I'm doing it ill lie about it tomorrow-*she stands up and walks to her night stand and takes a sleeping pill as she glups and mixes it with the glass of water as she whispers*you can do this... *takes a deep breath*

Hans:*walks out as he smiles*okay I'm better now... *sits down*we can continue*blushes as he's super hard*

Elsa:*smiles and looks at him*its okay baby calm down *hands him the gall of water*drink this calm down...

Hans:*smiles and nods*thank you Elsa *takes the glass and drinks it all*

Elsa:*glups feeling a bit bag but she sighs and lays him down as she starts kissing his neck until he falls asleep* it worked... *smiles happily*now I have to stage it... Ughhh I can't believe this *takes his clothes of but leaves just his boxers on and lays him then takes her clothes off as she's in her bra and panties and lays next to him*

*in the morning*

Hans:*wakes up as he sits up and rubs his eyes as he yawns*mmm... *sees Elsa staring at him*

Elsa:*smiles and bites her lip*good morning baby~*puts her hand on his chest*

Hans:*notices that they're still in bed as his eyes widen*w-we did it...

Elsa: yes baby*smiles and sits up*after we had sex we had few drinks that way you probably don't remember anything but I have to say you were amazing~

Hans:*smirks and kisses her deeply then sees the time*shit I have to go and get ready ill see you at school alright?

Elsa:yes baby*smiles and winks at him*see you there

*he runs out leaving the house driving away*

Elsa:*stands up and takes a quick shower then gets dressed and walks down stairs as she sees Anna and Jack eating breakfast*

Anna:*sees Elsa and smirks*gooooood moooorrrrning~~~*chuckles looking at Elsa * howww are yyyyouuuu? ~

Elsa:*rolls her eyes sitting down*what's up with you this morning are you okay? *looks at her*

Anna: I am okay~ I'm asking you*smirks*how does it feel to finally have sex with you're boyfriend~

Jack:*looking at Elsa still with Sadness and jealousy*

Elsa:*blushes and sighs*it was perfect Anna for his first time he was amazing~*smirks and thinks: I hate lying... Fuck fuck fuck I can't believe this... The look on jacks face...i-i...did I do the right thing for lying??-*

Jack:*widens his eyes getting more jealousy then smirks and chuckles softly realising she's lying*so it was huh babygirl? Then why can't I see any hickeys on you or on Hans~ and why are you walking normally i thought you'll be  very sore? Ohhh and I'm sure I didn't her you moan or scream his name ~*chuckles*are you lying to us babygirl?

Anna:*widens her eyes realising eveything Jack said then look at Elsa* wait... You didn't have sex with him did you? Elsa you better not lie to me...

Elsa:*glups looking at them nervous as she starts shaking then says* w-well he didn't fuck me we just pleasured ourselves... *lies more as she blushes *

Anna: ohh well that makes sense*chuckles*was he big?

Elsa: Anna! *glares at her*youre my sister how can you talk like that aren't you embarrassed?!

*Anna shakes her head and laughs as Jack smirks and says*

Jack: if I was Hans I would fucked you that hard, make you beg me to stop make you scream my name in pleasure I  would've broken the bed and mark eveything inch of you're body ~*chuckles*in the morning you probably won't feel you're ass~*winks* or you're pussy ~*winks again* or you're throat you couldn't speak~

Anna:*gasps covering her ears when he starts talking as she doesn't hear anything*

Elsa:*widens her eyes getting as red as a tomatoe blushing super hard as she grips her clothes and feels shivers down her spine as she glups and get wet looking at him in shock *YOU!!! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!?

Jack:*chuckles*im sorry babygirl I just told you the truth ~*winks*domt worry I won't do anything without you're permission*stands up*lets go anna~*goes to walk away*

Elsa: I'm coming with you! *growls still blushing like hell as she grabs her bag then gasps realizing how wet she is just by hearing him say that as she shakes her head and follows him*

*at school*

.........To be continued...........

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